Chapter One
"It's coming!"
As soon as he whispered the words, they both fell into silence. The only thing either of them could hear was the sound of their fast breathing, though none of them would be surprised if the other could also hear their hearts beating frantically against their ribs.
The room was dark and, in spite of just being the two of them inside of it, felt crowded, the air around them was heavy, the atmosphere one of too many dreaded possibilities. They lingered next to the closed door, their ears trying to catch the sickening and familiar sound of those terrifying steps.
It was quiet now. But they knew better. They knew it was close. They knew it was coming.
They should be used to being afraid by now.
Finally, she broke down, her nerves taking over her and consuming her better judgment. It was quickly turning into rage and revolt.
He saw her crumbling in front of him, fresh tears tainting her soft face, her shoulders trembling as she tried to let go without compromising their position. It was heartbreaking for him to see what had become of them.
She used to be pretty. Now, she looked sick and exhausted, spent and lifeless.
"What's the point?" she whispered. "It's going to find us." She looked at him, raw fear stranded in her features, like it had always been lately. Yet, underneath it, he could detect the hint of a new feeling - anger.
She was tired. So was he. He was worried that it would soon turn into despair and hopelessness.
"It always does!" she continued, her voice rising. "It knows we're here and it knows we can't get out!"
Of course it did, he thought bitterly, that's what made its torture so perfect. That's what made the hunting so thrilling to it.
That's why it felt so impossible to survive.
"We'll find a way. I promise," he whispered, trying to calm her down and remind her that they were supposed to be hiding. He had always been an optimistic, although the experience, the thing, was dangerously close to break that out of him.
He would not let it, though. He had promised himself that.
"There is no way!" she cried, desperate, grabbing at her hair and letting the sobs take a hold of her.
"There has to be!" he insisted, determined to not let his own discouragement consume him. One of them had to keep standing up, one of them had to fight. And he was bent on saving them both. "There has to be a way out. That thing... it has to have a weakness." At that point, he wasn't sure who he was trying to persuade more.
"There are only two ways out," she whispered, her bloodshot and swollen eyes emerging from the forest of messy hair. "Either it gets us... Or we do it first."
Silence went back into the room and their eyes never left each other's. She was grave, solemn and he knew what she meant. He wished he didn't, though. It was unbearable to think of.
"What are you talking about?" he finally asked, praying he wouldn't hear the answer he already knew she would give.
She shook her head, her eyes going back to the ground and her bloody hands covering her face, both in shame and defeat.
"I can't... I can't do this anymore... I'm so tired."
"I know," he tenderly caressed her bruised cheek. He would give anything to spare her of everything they were going through. "But we can't give up."
"It's not fair... We didn't do anything wrong. We don't deserve this."
"I know."
"I'm so, so tired... Tired of running, of hiding, of being scared all the time-"
He cupped her face with his hands, forcing her to look at him.
"We are going to get through this. We just have to stay strong."
"I'm going insane!" she screamed and he covered her mouth with his battered hand, pleading for her to shut up.
He heard it. It was coming.
He looked at her with wide eyes and she returned the stare with deep sadness. They found themselves shaking.
"I can hear it..." he whispered, the agonizing fear growing stronger and heavier inside his chest, making it harder and harder to breathe. They would never get used to that feeling. "It's getting closer."
The sound of those steps, always slow, always unnatural, always unnervingly calm and patient. It knew it had all the time in the world. It fed off of their fear.
"I can't do this..." she whispered, looking at him with determination. "I'm getting out... the only I can."
"Don't you dare," he answered, trying to sound strong but failing. What she was talking about... that was his true fear, the most terrifying thought.
"At least we'd be getting out in our own terms!"
"It's not our terms! It's what it wants!"
"Then so be it! I just want some peace...I want my mind back. I want to rest, I want to go!" She grabbed her hair, almost pulling it out. "I can't take this anymore!"
"Please, please don't do this..." he whispered, tears finally leaving his sleepless eyes. "Please don't go," he begged.
It was too late. It had defeated her. It had defeated them all.
And it would defeat him too.
"Don't leave me here alone."
Something smashed against the door.

The Strange Case of the Jackson Building
ParanormalIf you get in, you can't get out. If you call it home, you already belong to it. If you are here, you're already gone. One thing is certain: these doors were not designed to keep you out. She has seen and dealt with her own brand of personal madne...