Girl Tips #9

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Girl Tips #9

By the way, this is gonna start to be really random..

If you have any tips for the book, feel free to comment or message me them o:

Thanks x

Tip #1 :

Never piss off your parents, because it's gonna hit you back in the ass.

(They probably won't trust you with their car, credit card, clothes, money, or their life..)

Tip #2 :

Never forget to buy your friend a birthday present when invited to a birthday party.

(They probably said they didn't want anything, but that's a lie.)

Tip #3 :

If you get so close to your friend, invite her over with her family or something, you're parents will most likely let you sleep over at their house.

Tip #4 :

Don't cuss in front of your friends' parents. Just no.

Tip #5 :

Don't make your boyfriend/girlfriend meet your parents before 3 months into the relationship.

('Cuz if you guys break up, your parents are gonna be all like told you so and shit)

Voteeeeeeeeeeeeeee my dollies ! o:


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