His Gypsy

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She ran. She wanted to run far away. Away from them. She's had enough. She ran onto the hot streets of Texas. She's been running for a long time and she is tired. She just wanted to rest. Hollering and spots came from the vehicle that was chasing her. She growled as she passed the sign of Travis County. Her long black hair swished around her like a halo. Her pale skin filled with cuts from bushes, trees, and such. There was a lot of people brisling around. She opened her mouth and screamed.

"Help! Please help me!"

Every citizen turned towards her and she could hear the sound of the vehicle coming closer. Teasing her. Her legs burned. Then the voice of her newfound savior called her.

"Duck little lady!" A males voice yelled.

She did as she was told and jumped somewhere away from the car following her. A gun shot rang in the air and tires squealed in protest. She peaked through her hair to see a tall male stand in front of her as the car crashed into a cart, coming to a stop. Huge males bustled around the car, screaming in anger. Tears tumbled from her eyes and landed in the sand. It blurted her vision as she kept herself from crying out loud in relief. She didn't stop the tears as hands picked her up.

"Aw now little lady don't cry. Yer fine now." Hands brushed her cheeks. She sniffled and looked closer at the kind man that gave her a dazzling smile.

More tears poured out as words came out of her quivering mouth. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

"Come now, none of that ya hear? Now let's go get you clean up." She let him pick her up and tried to stifle her tears as she was deposited gently into a truck. Her mind scrambled with different emotions as the drove further and further away from the men that wanted to use her. She was finally free. Freedom.

She was calm enough to tell Charlie, the one who rescued her her story. How her parents died when she was at the young age of 6. The orphanage. Her dancing abilities. How men snatched her from the orphanage cause of her dancing to put her in illegal showcases. Luckily they haven't taken her innocence in a physical sense but emotionally, it was gone. She could tell how angry Charlie was as his knuckles became white on the steering wheel as he tightened his hands. She reached out and touched his hand. His fingers unclenched and the steering wheel groaned back into its original form.

"Thank you for saving me." She repeated once more as she looked to a house that came to her view. They were far from town but it still looked bare able to walk in. She told him some more like her current age of 11. How she trusted no one but she didn't explain it fully to him. As the truck came to a stop, her heart picked up speed as the house looked similarly to the one she escaped from from. Charlie had gotten put and opened the door. He picked her up and went to put her down for her to walk but she scrambled up further in his arms and buried her face in his neck.

He didn't say anything as she shivered and shook like a leaf. "It looks like the house I escaped from." She whispered. She only calmed when he rubbed her back but did not remove her face from his neck. She counted her heartbeat as they came closer and closer. She heard him open the door and almost jumped when he hollered. "I'm home!"

She can hear other come in and greet him. Tightening her arms around his neck, she whimpered when they seem to look at her.

"And who is this?" A woman's voice rang out.

"This little lady is Celina. A couple of scum was chasin' her. Got er' just in time. Nasty fellows pickin' on the young." She shyly peeked her head from his neck and peered out only to see another male in her face. Letting out a strangled cry, she buried her face back into Charlie's neck. Charlie moved under her and she felt him backed up. "Now look what you've gone and done Monty! Lil lady is frightened enough."

"I just wanted to see her more closely, Charlie."

"Charlie you can go bring her to the guest room. I'll be up there in a second."

"Okay mama."

She sagged in relief as she felt herself being carried somewhere else. Charlie tried to get her on the bed in the guestroom but she didn't want to let go. After a few more tries, he finally got her off but she wouldn't let go of his shirt. The lady came in a few seconds. An hour later she was fast asleep.

It was well in the middle of the night when she opened her eyes. The moon shining in from the windows of the room she slept in. She got up from the bed and walked around the room. The floor didn't squeak under her weight which she was proud of. Her things she ran away with were on the bedside. Taking her small speakers out and CD she tiptoed out of the room. Being a dancer like her , you know how to control your weight and glide on any surface in silence. She made it to what seemed like kitchen and went into the backyard. The warm Texan heat made her smile. The backyard was clear. Smiling was the first thing that came to her face as she stood in the middle of the moonlight. She put the music on and let her body flow with the music. Her hips popped out and waist narrowed as she danced to the beat. Her black hair covered the left side of her face as she rolled her stomach with her body turned on the side, bouncing her hip up and down.

What she didn't know was that she had witnesses watching her as the morning sun peeked over the horizon. Watching mesmerized as a small preteen like her could make it look like she had full grown hips and curves and had breasts. The music came to an end and she let out a contented breath. Loud clapping made her squeal and look at the bystanders that looked her on. She blushed in embarrassment but ran over to Charlie and let him pick her up.

"That was some dancing you did there."

She blushed some more and laid her head on his shoulder. Her stomach growled and he chuckled bringing her inside. She didn't want to let the man go but had to when he set her down in the kitchen. He crouched in front of her and held seriousness in his eyes. " There's one more person you didn't meet yet and you will. Don't be frightened and try to stay calm okay."

She nodded and he ruffled her hair with a crooked smile. It was handsome. She whined and pushed his hand away with a giggle. The other man, Monty, decided to shout up the stairs, scaring her into Charlie's arms.

"Thomas! Get down here and meet the guest."

She blinked when footsteps came down the stairs and cocked her head in wonder as a boy came into view. She looked on as he had a mask on the bottom half of his face, covering his nose and mouth. He looked nervous and shifted as she stared at him with blank eyes.

"Tommy, l'd like you to meet Celina. Celina this here is my nephew Thomas." Charlie introduced. She stepped out of his hold, letting out a little wave.

"Hi Thomas."

His GypsyWhere stories live. Discover now