Mr. Sausage Fingures

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I woke up in the morning to see Thomas's ignorant brother had called me 5 times.

You may be wondering if Thomas and I are living together because we're
engaged, but nope, I'm more old fashion, ever sense I was little I told my self I'm going to save myself for my wedding and that's what I'm gonna do. And Thomas was very nice and respected that because he loves me.

I got up not caring and went to my kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I got out a muffin and some eggs and cheese. I made myself an omelet, then sat down at my kitchen table and was about to take my first bight when...

Nock Nock Nock

I got up from my amazing omelet and muffin to get the door.

Remember I was in my PJs...

I opened the door to be greeted by Samuel. He automatically stomped inside my small apartment, and waved his sausage like finger in my face... Man? I wonder if I have any sausage to go with my muffin and omelette. Gosh I was hungry.

"What the heck is wrong with you! You know I left you like 10 messages!"

I sat down at my table and started to eat my breakfast. "Yeah, I know."


"Oh, I already have everything ready in my head."

"Well, your not having your wedding in you head are you!"

"Nope," I smiled.

Samuel sat down across from me.

"Ok... So I know you probably don't really like me, cause of 2 years ago."

"What happened 2 years ago," I played dumb.

"You don't remember?"

"No, what happened?"

"Know what, Nothing you need to know," the jerk smiled his perfect smile. Bleck!

Samuel had brown hair, he was tall but not too tall, he was thin but not too skinny.

"So what do you want to start with?"

"Well, the colors are blue, white, and silver," I pulled out a big binder I had full of different wedding stuff.

"Oh that would look great in the church in this picture", he pointed to a church that was circled in red marker.

"I know right! That's the church I grew up in! But Thomas says 'its to old fashioned.'"

"Well, that's stupid", he puffed.

"What!?" I got defensive. 

"Well you want to get married in the church you grew up in, and Thomas said it old fashioned. But it looks amazing. He can just be stupid like that sometimes."

"Get out!"

"What?" He had a puzzled look on his face.

"You may make make fun of me at your parents Christmas party and you can make fun of me anywhere else! But you will not and I repeat NOT make me or my fiancé look stupid in my own house!" I got up and led him to my apartment door.


"Get out!" Then I slammed the door in his face. It felt amazing!


"BEEDO BEEDO BEEDO!" The sound of my minion ring town filled my ears.

I was in the gym in the bottom of my building on the treadmill. It was about 3 hours sense my jerk of a future brother in law was kicked out of my apartment.


"Um? Hello?"

"Stella! What happened!"


"Yes it's me! And why did I just get a call form my brother saying you kicked him out of your house while you guys were planning the wedding!"

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME," by now I was looking like a lunatic, screaming into my phone, on the treadmill, while about 15 other people were looking at me. "HE SAID YOU WERE..."

"I DON'T CARE WHAT HAPPENED! JUST FIX IT!", he yelled back then hung up.

I went up to my apartment slammed the door and started cry. I sat leaning against my closed door and just weped. I loved Thomas but when it came to his brother he never believed me. But I could deal with that, right?


I walked into my office, hiding my tear stained eyes from everyone.

I dug my head into my pile of papers and stayed there all night.


Nock Nock Nock

I walked up to my door and saw through the peep hole Samuel and Thomas both waiting.

I didn't know what to do. Should I open the door or should I just wait.

"Come on Stella," I heard Thomas say through the door.

I was silent.

"I'm sorry," Samuel said.


"Stell, I love you."

I got up and went to my bed. I was tired and needed to sleep.


I woke up to a pounding on my door. But each pound was around a minute apart. I went to the door of my small apartment without caring to look through the peep hole and opened it. When the door swung open I saw two grown men in the hallway almost asleep. Also soon as I opened the door they both stood up.

"Stella!", Samuel said.

We stood in silence for a couple minutes, until I walked in the apartment, leaving the door open.

Both boys followed me tiptoeing into the my kitchen as if I didn't know they were in my house.

I opened the door of my fridge and pulled out a lemon sparkling water and sat at my kitchen table.

"Are you just going to stay there all night?" I asked.

They both were silent.

And then they both walked to the table with there heads low.

We sat in silence for about another 5 minutes, just staring at one another. I mostly looked at Samuel, I don't know why. I think it was cause he was the one who cause this blow out. Yeah let's go with that

"Stel, I'm sorry. I was acting like a jerk this morning and..."

"It's alright."

Then we went back to our little quiet game.

"I'm sorry Stella, I was wrong. Please forgive me. I hate having my fiancé be angry at me," Thomas said through grumbles.

I smiled a fake smile at his fake apology and led them to the door.

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