Chapter 2

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It had been one week. One week since Harry had arrived at the institution. He hadn't done much like I thought he would. He just went along with all the rules and did what he was supposed to, not causing much trouble. Most people would have a mental breakdown sometime in their first week, but I already knew that Harry wasn't most people. He was much different. Always going along with the rules. That should have been comforting, but it scared me to death. I'm used to patients going crazy, screaming things, yelling, trying to attack you. I knew what to do in those situations and how to react. But Harry seemed too obedient, following along and doing what he was told. Insane people don't do that. They have a tantrum because they know they're going to be locked up in here and they get scared. Harry's behavior showed he wasn't scared, wasn't worried about being stuck in here forever. He was up to something. And that horrified me.

I was thinking about this as I was sitting in the nurses office, not doing much of anything. I heard the door creak open to reveal Lori, who's position was "Head Nurse" even though she was the only nurse working here. She had long grey hair, pale skin, and was about sixty years old.

"Hey, Mrs. Hellman wants you to go deliver breakfast to room 419," she said. We called them rooms but they were more like prison cells. I nodded and reluctantly got up, grabbing a tray of food and began walking towards the cell. I couldn't remember who was staying in room 419 but I guess I would find out soon enough, I slid open the heavy cell door and walked in. What I saw almost made me drop the food.

This was Harry's room.

He was seated at the edge of his bed, his forearms resting on his thighs. He was staring at the ground and looked like he was deep in thought. His sleeves were rolled up, and his dark mop of curls were messy and pushed back on his head. He heard me come in and his head snapped in my direction.

"Hello," he smiled.

"Hi," I said quietly. "Umm. . ." I didn't really know where to set his meal and felt awkward and intimidated, so I just kind of stood there.

"Here," he said as he got up and came towards me to get his food. I instinctively took a step backward so that I was against the wall.

He deeply chuckled at my reaction and came even nearer. I gasped as he got in the closest possible proximity to me, the tray in between us providing only about 10 inches of space from me to him. I had to tilt my head back to see his height looming over mine, his eyes like pools of deep emerald. There was a smirk plastered on his face as he slid his tongue out aand slowly dragged it across his plump lips to wet them.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." He spoke his words slowly in a deep gravely voice. "What's your name love?"


He leaned in close. A little too close. I was surprised that he managed to smell good in this musty place. He slowly brought his lips down to my ear and I could feel his hot breath trickling down my neck. It sent shivers through my trembling body. "I'm Harry,"he breathily whispered.

I just nodded. My heart was racing a million miles a minute. There was a killer with his body inches away from mine. There's no telling what he would do. But to my surprise, he did nothing. Just stood there.

"May I have my food now?" He asked, that smirk still on his face.

I looked down to realize I was still gripping the tray so hard my knuckles were turning white. "Sh-sure." I stuttered as I pushed it towards him and ran out. I could hear a deep chuckle coming from the cell and I quickly walked away, flustered. I was upset that I had let him intimidate me and that I had cowered away from him. It showed that I was weak and vulnerable, and that wasn't a good way to be around ruthless criminals.

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