11: cuts

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Simon's P.O.V.

"Where have you been?!" I hear Dan yell as I walked through the door.

"I've been busy with work and things." I said trying my hardest to not let him know the truth.

"Since when do you work and why are all of your things slowly disappearing?" He yelled as he walked over to me.

"I'm moving out Dan. This isn't working between us anymore. You're not the person that I used to know." I said as he came super close to me.

He pushed me onto the couch as I tried to move but instead he got on top of me. He straddled me almost as if I was a wild animal. He started to slowly bring down my pants as I shook my head crying.

"Please no." I said as he laughed.

"I'm going to teach you the things that I taught Josh. He's the love of my life. He deserves to be with me, not someone like you." He said as everything broke.

"What are you talking about?" I said as he laughed even more pulling down his trousers.

"I know where you've been. Do you think that I actually loved you? The only person I have ever loved and will always love is Josh. Even if he still doesn't realize that." He said as he started to prompt.

"Please no, he'll never forgive you Dan." I said as he smiled.

"He'll never find out." He said as he start to pump himself inside of me.

I felt my body ache at how rough he was. I felt my body start to burn from the pain.

He started to thrust even harder and I couldn't help but cry.

"Say you hate him. Say you hate him now." He yelled as I shook my head.

"I'll never say that." I yelled as he laughed.

He just got harder and harder. I heard my phone ring but I could do nothing about it. I was too weak.

I finally felt him finish inside of me as he went weak and pulled himself out. He just stared at me smiling.

"I'm sorry it came down to this Simon, I'm just giving you what you deserve." He said pushing me on the ground.

He left to go grab something as I grabbed my phone from the coffee table.

MiniPastel: I love you, I never stopped and I never will. I don't know what's going to happen but I want you to know that you are the most perfect human being that I've ever met and I'm so sorry
ZerkaaPunk: what are you talking about I just got my phone back call me
MiniPastel: I can't, goodbye Josh
ZerkaaPunk: I never stopped loving you too

"Hello precious. What are you doing with that, give that to me." He said pulling away my phone.

He slowly bent down and put a sharp silver object to my back.

"Say you hate him now!" He yelled as I shook my head crying.

He slowly brought down the knife as I felt my body shake from the pain. I felt the heat of my blood pour down my back.

"Say you hate him." He said as I shook my head and he cut my back once more.

"This is only going to get worse Minter. Just say you hate him and that you'll never see him again." He said putting the knife closer and closer to my neck.

"I will always love him. I always have and I always will. He's the love of my life and I'm never going to let that go. Do what ever you want to me because I know the truth, Josh will never love you. He never has and he never will. Josh and I are soulmates and nothing is going to change that." I said as he laughed.

"You don't know anything." He said the metal slid across my throat and I fell to the ground.

I lost all air as my mouth and lungs filled with blood.

"Simon!" I heard as everything went black.

Messaging You -minizerk AU- (sequel)Where stories live. Discover now