1: Louis

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(Louis' POV)

It was my first day at my new school. I didn't want to go because I knew I was going to be picked on for my stutter. Me being gay isn't going to help that either.
I walk into school with my skinny jeans on and a grey sweater along with my white converse.

As I walk through the halls I try finding my locker since I came to the school yesterday and got all of my stuff together. I finally find it and try putting in the code but it won't open. I sigh in frustration and lean my head against the locker then I hear a thick Irish accent next to me. "Here let me try, I'm Niall by the way" the blonde headed boy smiles and sticks his hand out for me to give him the combination.

"24....6...42, got it!" He opens the locker and smiles then asks "So what's your name." I smile and stutter out "L..Louis". Niall smiles and laughs a bit and I can feel my cheeks turning red "I love your stutter. Is it natural or do you only stutter when you're nervous?"
"It's n..n..natural" I reply and he just smiles even more. "Well you should come and sit with me and my mates at lunch today. I'll meet you at your locker after second block." I smile and nod my head in reply and watch as the blonde boy waves and walks off to his first class and I do the same.

I walk into my first class a little late since I couldn't find it and the teacher looks over at me smiling "Oh you must be Louis, it's nice to meet you. I'm Coach Morgan and I'll be your history teacher for this semester."
I smile and shake his hand and mutter out "n..nice to meet y..y..you sir" he smiles and tells me that I may go pick a seat and my first instinct was to dart to the back of the class but as soon as I look up to go back there I'm met with beautiful green/emerald eyes.

I decide to head back there anyways and I take a seat next to the curly hair lad with the beautiful eyes. "Hi I'm Harry." His deep voice rang out and all I could do was blush " I..I'm l..l..Louis." He smiles at me and blushes a bit "you have a stutter?" I nod my head and look down until I hear him speak "it's cute. So, can I call you Lou?" I smile and nod my head yes as I blush.

We sit in silence for the rest of class and listen to coach Morgan ramble on about some project we have to do. Then, he started assigning us partners. "Zayn, you're with Liam. And Louis you're gonna be with Harry." He finished off the list and I look over at Harry to see him smiling the he looks back at a raven haired boy and another guy with straight dirty blonde hair and a beanie on his head. "So I guess you get payno here" Harry laughed and lightly pushed the raven hair boy "oi shut it styles. Liam's nice. Just a goody two shoes" says the raven hair boy which I now figure out is Zayn.
"Who's your little friend here Harry? You gonna introduce us?" Asks Liam, and Harry smiles telling them my name and I shyly smile at them.

I got up as the bell rang and I went looking for my second block class. I look at my schedule and see I have music room 203. I walk down to room 203 and walk in a little early and see Niall. "Louis you have music?" Asks Niall and I just nod my head yes as he motions me over and I sit next to him. "Liam, Zayn and Harry should be here soon" I smile as he says Harry's name and say "they're all I..in my first b..block class." Niall grins and jumps with joy "amazing so that means you don't have to go through introducing yourself to them since you already have!"
I hear a loud and beautiful laugh and I turn my head to the direction of it and smile seeing as it was Harry. "Lou! You have the same class as me again!" Harry walks over and I smile up at him since I'm much shorter. "You know you can talk Lou, I don't mind your stutter." I smile and say "t..thanks" then turn to Niall who is now sitting in Liam's lap and I blush.
"Oh yeah, Liam is my boyfriend and Zayn is dating Ashley. Then there's Harry. He's single right now and third wheels everything" Niall explains and Harry just laughs "it's true So Lou do you have a special someone?" I shake my head no "n..no. I've never had a boyfriend."
Harry blushes and smiles " awwww you're so innocent and cute! So are you bi... or..."
I blush and smile "I..I'm gay No girls f..for me" I giggle a bit and notice that Harry stared at me as I did and I blush. "You even have a cute laugh" he says and I blush even more and that's how the rest of class went. Until the bell rang and we all went to lunch.

"So how are you liking it so far Louis?" Asked Niall, and I smiled "I l..love it. Everyone's s..so nice. Haven't been teased y..yet" they all smile and Harry puts his arm around me. "So Lou, we're all going camping this next week since we go on break and today is Friday so we leave tomorrow.. do you wanna come?" I smile and blush "I..I'll have to ask but sure" he smiles and hugs me "great! Text me and let me know!" He gives me his number and he walks off as the bell rings and so does the rest of the boys.

I walk to my locker and get my things then go out and start my walk home with Harry on my mind.

Hi guys. I tried making it as long as possible and I hope you like it so far. For their school they're only going to have two main classes and lunch I know. Boring. But eh. I tried.


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