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sinb's pov
umji and I are now eating at the canteen.
Suddenly, the students are making noise.
"aish, so loud! "-umji
"no wonder ji-ya, it's your oppa and his friends"-sinb
"boya, he's not that handsome"-umji
"HE ISSSS"-sinb
"woahhh, calm down little dork"-umji

They are so deep in their conversation that they dont realize that jungkook and his friends are now infront of them.


Umji amd Sinb stop laughing and look at him.

"omg omg omg"-sinb mumbles and she can feel that her adrenaline is rushing through her veins. SHE IS SO NERVOUS NOW DUDE.

"what oppa?"-umji
"wait for me at the gate after school"-jungkook
"yeh yeh i know"-umji
"and oh hi , sinb -jungSHOOK smile while showing his bunny teeth.

"o-oh , hi sun-sunbae"- sinb

"see you later ji-ya, and nice watch u have sinb "-jungkook.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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