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Emma's POV

"Two plus two is four, Mick! Why is that so hard to understand?" I said, starting to get frustrated.

Helping my brothers with their homework was a pain in the butt.

"But why can't it be five? Or six? Or a hundred?" Mick asked innocently.

"Yeah, why not?" Sam chimed in.

I threw my hands up and sighed. "That's it. I give up for today." I got up and pushed ny chair in. "You guys are dumber than I thought." I mumbled.

"Well then you should've thought that we were dumber. Now who's dumb?" Sam said, crossing arms. Mick followed his actions.

"Yep, still you guys." I replied.

"Who cares about math anyway. Let's go and play soccer." Mick said, running out the back door, Sam right behind him.

I sighed again and made my way to my room to do my own homework. I sat down at my desk and took out everything that I needed.

"We're home!" My dad called from downstairs. My parents both worked together. They were dentists.

A few minutes later, my mom appeared at my door.

"How was your day, honey?" She asked, leaning on the doorframe.


"How was the boys? Are they getting better with their math?"

I groaned. "No. If anything, they're worse than before."

"They're still young, they'll get there someday."

"Yeah. But it looks like that day wasn't today." I sighed and my mom laughed.

She left the room and I had a few minutes of peace before two baboons barged into my room. I should really get them a nicer name in my head.

"Emma! We were playing soccer and then-" Sam started, slightly out of breath.

"-we acidentally kicked the ball over the-" Mick continued.

"-fence so could you get it for us, please?" Sam finished off.

"Why can't you go yourselves?" I asked.

"Because what if our neighbour is an axe murderer who will kill us if we even stepped in his lawn?" Mick suggested.

"Yeah." Sam agreed. "Or what if he was a zombie alien who wanted to abduct us because we're just so awesome like that!"

"I'm pretty sure if anybody abducted you two, they woud bring you back in less than a minute." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Please!" They said, both of them giving me puppy dog eyes. I always fell for the puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." I huffed, putting my pen down and getting up.

"Yeah!" Mick fist pumped the air, punching me in the stomach as well.


"Oops. Sorry!" He said inocently and went downstairs, his brother following behind him.

I groaned and made my way downstairs and out the front door. I shivered, just noticing how cold it was outside. I would get a jacket but we were only going next door.

The twins and I walked up the steps to the front porch.

The house was nice and it didn't look like an axe murderer or a zombie alien would live here.

I rang the doorbell and we waited in the cold.

"I'm coming!" A familiar voice called from inside the house.

The door swung open to reveal the one and only Jack Morgan.

His hair sat messily on top of his head and he was wearing sweatpants and a white shirt.

I suddenly felt self-concious and wrapped my arms around myself. I looked down and realized that I was only in a singlet and shorts. Pyjama shorts to be exact.

I blushed deeply.

"Emma. Hey." Jack finally said. He gave me a smile.

"Oh, Jack. Hi. I didn't know you were our neighbour." I said lamely. Stop being stupid and say something. "We were wondering if we could get our ball because somebody-" I nudged Mick and Sam. "-kicked it over the fence."

"Yeah. Of course. Do you- um, do you wanna come in or-" Before Jack could finish his sentence, Mick and Sam ducked under his arms and sprinted into the house.

"I guess that's a yes then." Jack laughed. He has a nice laugh. "You can come in too if you want."


Jack moved aside and I stepped into the house, immediately sighing at the warmness.

He lead me to where I think the living room was and gestured to the couch.

I sat down awkwardly, looking around the room.

"Are your parents home?" I asked.

"My mom is working late tonight." Jack replied.

He didn't mention his dad. Don't be nosy Emma.

"So.. Are you an only child or...?" I trailed off awkwardly. Why am I so awkward?!

"No I have a little sister. Her name's Izzy." Jack's face immediately lit up as he talked about his little sister.

Just then, a cute little girl with light brown hair and light blue eyes, walked in.

"Jack?" She asked in a small voice.

"Hey Izzy." Jack lead her towards me. "This is Emma."

"Hi." I grinned at the cute little girl.

"Hi. You're pwetty." Izzy said, giggling softly.

"Thanks. You're pretty too." I turned to look at Jack. "I think we should go now. Mick! Sam!" I called out.

They both came running, Mick holding the soccer ball under his arm.

"Emma, they have a trampoline!" Sam exclaimed.

"Yeah, how cool is that! Mom never let us have a trampoline!" Mick whined.

"You guys can play on it whenever you want." Jack said, making Sam and Mick run out of the house cheering.

"Thanks Jack. I'll, um, see you at school." I said awkwardly. Can't I be normal for once.

"Yeah, bye Emma." I liked the way he said my name.


I walked down the steps trying not to embarass myself again.

But of course, at that moment, I just had to trip.

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