Chapter 1

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It was hard the first few days. Being a human was weird, unnatural to the group of people. Other than being a completely different species, nothing else was that different. The Cimarrons (they were now called that) roamed and ran around the hills as usual. The sky was a beautiful blue, and the grass was as green as it always had been.

But it still wasn't the same.

Drinking water was harder, and finding food was a daily struggle. The eagle Spirit had raced with each day was unfamiliar with Spirit as a human. She had flown farther and farther away until he could only see the eagle in the distance.

But the oddities of being a human still bothered the Cimarrons.

The clothes were so strange, and they felt weird against Spirit's skin. He was wearing a yellow shirt and dark blue jeans with black shoes. His mother was wearing a white shirt and beige jeans. It took a while to get used to it, but finally it all sunk in.

As they traveled around their land, things started to get easier. Spirit chatted with his friends and relaxed.

"So, guys, you wanna race?" Spirit asked, grinning. He knew he would win by a landslide.

"Oh. Sure!" Zelara, one of Spirit's friends replied.

"How could I pass up the chance to beat you?" Falcon, a thorn in Spirit's side, jogged up. He smirked. Spirit was sure that he could beat both of them even as a human. He always had as a horse, why would it be any different now?

The two stallions and the mare lined up at the beginning of a flat meadow. The three charged an unmarked destination, legs rushing over the ground. Spirit started to panic. Falcon was-he gulped-ahead of him. Where the meadow started to turn into a small hill, they would stop. There was still time. He pumped his legs harder. It was no use. Falcon reached the incline to the hill first, then Spirit, then Zelara.

Falcon danced around Spirit, basking in his victory. "I beat you GOOD!" he gloated happily.

"Whatever, it's just a race." Spirit tried to keep his cool, but inside he feel deeply aggravated and disappointed in himself.

"Relax, Falcon will be Falcon right?" Zelara noticed Spirit's temper beginning to boil.


"Let's get back to the others." Falcon pranced ahead, while Zelara and Spirit walked slowly along, taking their time.

"Falcon really gets under your skin, huh?" Zel said.

"Yeah," Spirit responded.

"Probably the only reason he won was because his legs are longer. He is a year and a half older than you, after all."

"That would make sense." By the time the two friends had made it back to the rest of the Cimarrons, Falcon had boasted about his victory to almost every person in the group. Spirit shook his head in a disapproving manner and sighed. He was older, but he acted like a three -year-old jumping around in the excitement of conquering something.

Zelara moved away from Spirit to talk to some other people. Esperanza was walking up to him. "Wow! Lost a race? Now that has never happened before."

"Don't rub it in, mom," Spirit said, slightly annoyed.

"It's not a big deal, my little racer."

"It's still annoying. Besides, I'm leader of the Cimarron....err....tribe, I guess. I'm a leader, and I don't loose."

"Leaders loose all the time, don't worry." Esperanza held his chin in her hands, smiling. Spirit shook his head and backed away. She left to go get water from a small pond nearby.

Spirit decided to listen to Zelara and Esperanza's advice. He brushed away his feelings of disappointment and anger. He laid down on the grass, and looked up at the cloudless blue sky. It was a beautiful day, and he should be enjoying it.


A/N: Okayy can someone tell me how to add parts to a chapter? Because I have no idea and I don't want this to be too lengthy it should be in parts.


As Spirit looked up at the sky, he saw the eagle. Yes! he thought. He had missed the eagle. She was his companion, even if they couldn't take to one another. She seemed to have finanlly accepted Spirit as a human. 

The eagle flew off into the distance, as if wanting Spirit to follow. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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Spirit, Stallion of the Cimarron: The Human Version FanficWhere stories live. Discover now