#1•Unknown Messages•

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Riley POV
"Are you gonna answer all those texts?" Smackle, my best friend, ask me "are you popular and your not telling us?" Farkle, my best friend's boyfriend ask me "guys no im not popular, hold on im gonna check it might be my dad" i said

I look through my phone and see loads of messages
Unknown: 'ley please talk to me im so inlove with you
Unknown: 'ley please dont do this to me i love you B
Unknown: give me a chance
Unknown: just reply back please
Me: umm ok
Unknown: oh yes thank god meet me at our spot after school please?
Me: umm yea sure

"OMG you have a boyfriend and your not telling me?!" Smackle asked "what no!" I said "then explain us that" she ask pointing at me and the mystery person's convo "where's 'our spot' anyway" farkle asked "guys guys calm down im not gonna meet this mystery person" i chuckled "then why did you agree on meeting him/her?" Smackle ask "so the person will stop bothering me" i said "you know sometimes your mean" farkle said "why would you say that?" I ask "well you do realize that this 'mystery person' will wait for you or whoever he/she wants to meets in 'our spot'" farkle said "stop being smart..this is just a regular day for us here in Abigail Adams High School as sophomores" i said "fine, but remember that we warned you" he said

Maya POV
I can't believe it after all these months Hayley finally agreed on me meeting her in our spot. Our spot is in the pool bar, you know playing billiards with my gang, Lucas, Zay, Seth, Kenji, yea im the only girl. Nothing else matter anymore because im seeing Hayley, the love of my life

Yea i know short chapter but i'll update again later today so yea
Sorry if the way its formed is crappy but i promise you guys it wouldnt be boring😂

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