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Chapter Song- Every breaking wave (U2)

Raven Reyes and Phoenix Hadid Walked the Halls to the Blasting room: In which They dress in to their Own personal Space-suits and You know Step out of the ark Momentarily to fix any broken hedges.

"Aren't you just a bit curious" Raven said waving her arms frantically like a loon.

"Of-course I am, my brother could be dying, While I'm in here Playing with my Nintendo" The blonde said Rolling her eyes at the Brunette.

"We have to investigate It's the only way" Raven said, Smirking at the smaller girl Before her.

"Phoenix Hadid, In use at the Farming station #224" A manly voice notified Phoenix threw the Intercom that someone needed her help.

"Duty calls, Meet me At my place at 5:00 p.m Sharp" The blonde Said nodding and walking away leaving a smirking Raven to herself.


"Be quiet" An annoyed Phoenix whispered Slightly pushing the Brunette away from her.

"Shh they'll catch us" Raven said sending her a glare; turning away she put her full undivided attention on Abby and Jackson.

"Abby we have to Stop. The Council vote's starts in 30 Minutes" Jackson Reminded her, Tapping his foot impatiently at the older women.

"Then we have 30 minutes. Anything from engineering" Abby questioned

"Engineering; Why haven't I heard about this" phoenix Frowned.

"Top secret" Raven reminded turning her attention to them again.

"Nothing Good according to Sinclair even if we sent a signal down, the wrist bands weren't designed to receive, so the kids wouldn't even here it" Jackson said Taking a closer look at the modified Wrist band.

"There has to be another explanation, something we haven't thought off" Abby said squinting her eyes.

"Raven they're taking them off" The blonde whisperd her Mouth turning in to an O shape.

"Brilliant, just brilliant" Raven said Jumping up and down In excitement.

"Careful- I almost Knocked down the—" Phoenix was cut short from her sentence as she Slipped knocking over a few cans.

"Up-Up Hurry" Raven Whispered/Yelled Climbing the ladder.

The brunette felt a Tight Grasp around her foot; they had been caught by none other then Abby Griffin.

"Hey, Hey apparently you Have a thing for air ducts" Abby said Grasping her foot tighter, bringing Raven's body down.

Phoenix climbed down the ladder surprising abby, she wasn't gonna let Raven take the blame; what kind of best-friend would that make her!

"Phoenix Collins I expected more from you" Abby shook her head.

"Like wise" Phoenix grumbled not caring she would hear.

"I'll call security" Jackson said getting up.

"They're not dying" Raven says, thinking quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2016 ⏰

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