Chapter 6

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Ashley begins to wail as the Dodge passes under the archway. Canley pulls over and hops out. She gets the little girl from her car seat and checks her diaper, problem number one. Just as the diaper is intact Cullen walks up, problem number two?

"You aren't backing out are you?" He questions walking up behind her before smelling the diaper and quickly backing off.

She turns around faster than a lightening flashes, "No! I have this thing called a kid that I am responsible for," She snaps turning back around and scoops Ashley in her arms. "And you can shove off! I can handle life by myself. I shouldn't have let you talk me into coming here." Then she pushes past him and returns to her position in the drivers seat. She puts the truck in drive and pulls away. Can this weekend get any worse? She wonders the baby resting on her shoulder.

She pulls up beside the other vehicles and gets out letting Ace out when she does. Walking around she gets the diaper bag and slings it over her good shoulder, goodness life just got difficult. She glances in the direction of motion and finds Cullen grabbing her and Ashley's bag from the other side.

"Thanks," She mutters as they walk up the porch stairs.

He smirks, "You're most welcome." He opens he door for her and she enters kicking herself for agreeing to this.

"You didn't tell us you were released! We would have driven you home." Her mom shrieks.

Canley slaps on a fake smile, "That's alright."

"Only because she was planning to ditch everyone to hibernate at home with that baby," Cullen spouts as he jogs up the stairs with her bags.

She stares at him in disbelief as everyone turns to stare at her tears pricking her eyes. She knew he didn't like the idea, but didn't think he would come out and say it. Quickly she turns on her heals and runs as fast as she can, with Ashley in her arms, to the barn she knew well. She walks down the aisle and sees the grey gelding she always rode when she would hang out with Cullen. She grabs a bridle and puts it on him. She uses a feed bucket to give herself height and climbs onto the horse's bare back. Holding Ashley tightly to herself she urges Prince out of the barn. She turns him northward and urges him to a faster pace.

The wind grabs at her hair that is pulled back into a braid. She uses the hand of her bad shoulder to keep ahold of the reins while tucking Ashley inside her oversized jacket. Letting the tears flow freely she sobs into the open skies. Nobody to hear her, but the one and only God, Jesus Christ.


I am so hurt right now. I know I haven't been close to you and I see why these things have happened, because you want me to be near you and I haven't listened to your previous warnings. I am sorry, Lord. Please forgive me. I need you now more than ever. I can't handle theses things on my own. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

She pulls Prince to a stop and slides off. Still holding the reins she sits on a near by stump and gazes at the beautiful little girl in her arms. "You know you are the most wonderful thing that has been thrown in my lap. Even in just three days I can see how a mother feels about her child, protective, in love, and even when you keep me up for four hours screaming I still can't help but snuggle you close." She smiles as Ashley squirms and coos a soft baby coo. Coos are much more welcome than the shrill sound of screaming.

Cullen stands off in the distance his horse's bridal reins in hand. He listens intently to what Canley says, he can't imagine how she could feel so close to a blasted baby that just screams and dirties diapers. What's to love? His thoughts stop when he hears her say,

"You know when you dad gets back is going to be one of the hardest days of my life."

What?! Shouldn't she be rejoicing when he comes back not sad to see the little sleep monster go? How much more confusing does a woman get?! He shakes his head and is about mount his horse when he hears a sob. He listens intently.

"Thank you Chief Mitchell, see you Monday morning." She is saying.

Chief? Monday morning? What the heck is going on? Deciding it is none of his business and not wanting her to know he was eavesdropping he mounts his horse and goes back to the house, the same way he came. All the way he can't stop wondering, who was she talking to and what did she have on Monday? More importantly what was a chief calling her for?

Canley rests her head in her hands as Ashley lays in her lap. Is is a prayer answered or a nightmare coming to reality? Now she has an excuse to go home early and an answer to her question, yes the weekend can indeed get worse. She cuddles Ashley to her and stands. She leads prince to the stump and uses it as a boost. Once on his back she zips her jacket up around Ashley and turns the grey back the way they came.

So Cullen's pretty harsh, huh? Don't be too hard on him though. 😜

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