(13)Second To Last Incident

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I lock my door as the street lights flicker on outside.
Tears ball from my eyes.
The memories of my whole life appear in one shot.
Looking at my imprinted body, I desire to work everywhere.
I pull out my artist tools, and get to work.
First, color my wrists.
Next, fill out my thighs.
Then, outline my calves.
Finally, touch up my stomach.
The blood falls everywhere on the wooden floor.
His face appears when I blink.
He looks as if he is going to kill.
His head is now on fire, burning everything around me.
I scream, but no sound comes out.
I decide to just listen, as he speaks in his devilish voice.
Tonight is the night...

Lovely Green Eyes (In Final Editing)Where stories live. Discover now