Soul Mates. MakaXSoul

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Maka rubs the hand towel over her face, wiping away the droplets of water away from her skin. She squinted into the steamed mirror through the fog in the bathroom, trying to see if she had missed any soap suds from her face cleaner. Minutes ago she had been in the shower, washing away the sweat from a hot summer day, even though she hadn’t really done anything. About an hour and a half ago, Maka had been sitting with Tsubaki watching Soul and Black Star play basketball, though the game had been quite one sided, whenever Black Star got his hands on the ball he would go off on his rant about how he would surpass the gods, the basketball ones that is, that they had chosen him to succeed. Until Soul came up and stole the ball. Maka and Tsubaki were supposed to have been keeping track of the score, but Tsubaki got too into the game, cheering Black Star on, and Maka had been doing what was becoming a frequent practice; fantasizing. Maka had been disappearing within the depths of her mind, getting distracted by thoughts of him, Soul. These thoughts were taking up so much of her attention, that Maka wasn’t reading as much, she was zoning out, and she was keeping a journal more than ever before, writing down her fantasies, her thoughts, everything, right down to the slightest change in her emotions. Fortunately, since she was a teenager, everybody put the changes in Maka down to hormones. Except for Tsubaki, she was the only one who knew about Maka’s growing crush on Soul.

Maka tied her hair back up into her standard pigtail, squeezing the towel over the hanging ends before wrapping it over her shoulders and gathering the clothes she had worn during the day into her arms. She reached for the door knob, checking herself in the mirror to be sure any access water wasn’t making her sliver- white nightgown too see through, it was only to her mid- thighs, she didn’t need Soul to be able to see more of her body than he already would be. Maka blushed as the thought of Soul seeing her practically naked as she twisted her wrist and retracted her arm, opening the bathroom door.

She padded down the hall, her clothes nestled in the crook of her arm as she headed to Soul’s room to tell him that the bathroom was free for him to take a shower, knowing him, he was probably listening to music and hadn’t heard the water turn off. Maka stopped at his bedroom door and knocked softly, before dropping her hand to the knob, turning it.

“Soul, the bathroom is-” Her clothes dropped from her arms and her face went cherry red, a place between her legs throbbing and getting hot as she witnessed what Soul was doing. “Free…”

“M- Maka...!” A picture flutters to the ground, dropping from his hand, which was frozen in the air near his hips. The paper flipped around and landed, Maka’s smiling face grinning at the ceiling as her legs got weak and she had to lean against the door frame.

Soul rolled off his bed onto his feet, making his pants fall to his knees, leaving something exposed. Maka blushed and looked away as her heart pounded, her core beginning to drip down her thighs.

“Maka, it’s not what it-” She grabbed the collar of his shirt, yanking him down to her height and kissing him, fingers grasping cloth and pulling him closer, closer. For a split second, Soul didn’t know what to do, Maka’s suddenness surprising him, but afterwards  he closed his eyes, bracing his left hand on the door frame above her head, his right landing on her hip, his fingers drawing up the material of her nightgown, He draws his tongue across her lips, pressing his body against hers, loving the feeling. Maka gasps a little, allowing Soul’s tongue to slip into her mouth. She closes her lips around the organ, sucking on it lightly. Soul grinds his hips to her hers. “Maka…” He groans, his manhood twitching once again. He pulls his mouth form hers, saliva dripping down both of their chins. He rests his forehead against hers. Both of them pant. Maka’s cheeks burning, heart racing, and her womanhood bawling.

“Soul… You owe me… Big time.” He smirks.

“I kind of like the sound of that.” Soul grabbed the back of her thighs, hoisting her legs up around his waist, throwing the towel to the floor, and moving them back to the bed, tossing her onto it and jumping over her, his lips hungry for hers. “You know, this looks awfully cute on you, but, I want it off of you… Now.” He whispers and she can feel one of the ribbons being pulled from her hair as her nightgown is pushed up her hip. Maka smiled.

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