Chapter 2

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The next day at school Ace talks to me but I cant think about anything he says. I cannot get Kinan of my mind, his perfect body, how fun he was to hang out with... I failed my exam. I got a 92% it's the worst grade I've ever gotten. I go home unhappy and sit on my house steps... when Kinan sees me crying. He sits next to me and my eyes widen in horror as I realize I just met him and he's already seeing me cry.
He puts his arms around me as I continue to cry like a child. He gracefully lifts my chin up and kisses where my tear was. I mentally melt as my eyes become as wide as golf balls. "Relax, it was just a kiss on the cheek" he whispers gently into my ear. I am baffled as he carries me to his house and sits me on his couch. He carries my backpack as well, showing his strength, he then sets up a tea pot in the kitchen and makes some Green tea with Ginger. He quietly sits next to me and hands me a mug, I take a sip and burn my tongue, it shocked me and Kinan notices. "Oh my, I'm so sorry, I forgot to warn you it was hot" he leans in closer to me and in a lower, softer tone says "let me cool that down for you...~" he closes his eyes and so do I. His tongue dances with mine as he pushes into the kiss, I, just as hungrily, kiss back. This was the most amazing kiss I'd ever had and lord, it was like heaven, he tasted of sweet vanilla with a hint of mint. Breathless, he drew away. I breathe heavy and ask "How did you know Green tea and Ginger was my favourite?" He laughs and replies "Because you're cute" it doesn't make sense but to me it doesn't matter, I'm floating on air and I can't even remember what I was crying over. I love his courage and his daring spirit, not afraid of being found out and not afraid of rejection. We stay on his couch for what seemed like years, sipping our tea happily while the sun went down. However this was no fairytale and it had to end at some point. After about 15 minutes of drinking tea and casual conversations I had to go home and cook dinner. I get up from the couch and thank him "Thanks for the tea and for... Uhm. Comforting me" "Anyday you need me just let me know Miyo." "Ill keep that in mind" I reply with a smile. He then quickly and timidly for the first time since I've seen him asks "Miyo, would you like to go to dinner with me or something...?" I place his hand in mine for a moment and take in his beauty. The light catches the thousands of shades of blue in his eyes that so splendedly contrast the medium brown colour of his hair. His fair skin matches his korean origins. "I would love to. I'm assuming I get the honour of being picked up on this date." He laughs a bit and says "I like you, you're right to the point, it's a date." "How does tomorrow at nine sound? Theres a quaint noodle shop downtown."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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