The way to school

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I was walking down the road to wait on the bus with my little sister, Harmony. I think of her as a miracle because when my parents were "together" if you could call it that got into a fight and my father was really close to killing my sister in the womb.

It was seven and a half years ago from when my parents got into that dreadful fight. I was eight. My father was drunk as always and decided he didn't want a second child anymore. I remember it fondly. Him, my dad, walking up to my six month pregnant mother who was standing by the sink drying dishes with a cloth. This piece of shit father stood right in front of her with these hideous hateful green eyes, green just like mine, started to yell to her about how she needed to kill her baby by aborting it.
"Honey, not in front of Blake." My mother said with her soft beautiful voice of hers.
" Ah, that little piece of shit. You should have aborted him too. All he does is was.. waste money." The drunken voice started to ring throughout the halls.
" I know someone who really does waste money." She said underneath her breath
" What did you say you ungrateful bitch." This time the growl did ring throughout the house.
" I said you asshole your the one who waste money not my son."
" THAT'S  IT  YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" With these words my mom crumpled to the ground, blood dripping from her now crimson red nose.
I grabbed the house phone and ran to the bathroom.
I dialed 9-1-1.
"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"
" Help my mommy is on the kitchen floor wiff.... with blood coming from her nose and there's a baby in her tummy."
" Ok why is she on the floor?"
" My daddy got mad for some reason and hit her and now he's trying to find me!"
"Ok. What's your name and try to stay where you are and stay on the phone."
" Ok I will, and it's Mathwells."
" You little bastard! You know what happens when you tattle!" My father was at the bathroom door pounding, good thing it was the master bath. Just then he got in. Damn this short body.
"Ok you price of shit get your ass over here." I ran between his legs and found a chair and locked him in the bathroom.
" I had to weave..leave the bathroom but I locked daddy in there."
" Ok. Can you go check on your mom for me." The operator stated.
" Yeah she's....she's in the kitchen." I run to the kitchen to find my mom underneath the kitchen sink sitting against the cabinets. She was holding a now Ruby red tissue against her nose and was holding her stomach.
" Mommy! Mommy!" I say as I run in to the clod floor of the kitchen in tears. I was releaved. She stood up and cried.
" Blake! Thank God your okay. Just as we embraced in a tight worried hug.
" You peice of shit." My father had broken free from my makeshift prison.
"Hurry!" My mother yelled. We ran to the front door of our neighbors the Gneses.
We watched out the window of there home as the sirens screamed and yelled until they had surrounded my father. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

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