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Lola: Welcome back! And guess what? We have four dares!!!

Duncan: Four? How do we have four?

Sierra: You hired someone to do it. I called it!

Lola: Well, not really. But let's see who... Oh god. No. No! This can't be happening!

Junior: What is it?

Scott: Please don't tell me I have to fight with Fang!

Cody: Or I have to kiss Sierra.

Sierra: Can it be the last one?

Lola: Is not those. Is worse!

Heather: Then what?


Everyone: Ai?

Taylor: Who's Ai?

???: Me.

*Everyone turns there heads and sees a girl with red hair with a few black streaks, pale skin, one green eye and one brown eye, red lips, wearing a casual punk look*

*Everyone turns there heads and sees a girl with red hair with a few black streaks, pale skin, one green eye and one brown eye, red lips, wearing a casual punk look*

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Lola: *Nervously smiles* Ai! Great to see you again! How long has it been? Two years?

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Lola: *Nervously smiles* Ai! Great to see you again! How long has it been? Two years?

Ai: Well, I'm fine. And it's been three years.

Lola: Wow, that long?! Sure missed ya!

Ai: Really? The smell of fear coming from you says otherwise. *Coming closer towards Lola* And that look on your face gives me a hint that you liked me better when I was gone.

Mickey: Excuse me, miss. *Ai looks straight at him* But, can you tell us who you are?

Ai: *Gives out a sweet smile* Sorry, where are my manors? My name is Akahana Aiko Stundeya. It is nice to finally meet you all.

Owen: Um, how do you know Lola?

Ai: It's kinda of a long story. *Puts her arm around me* But Lola will just explain it later, right Lola?

Lola: R-Right. Anyway, o-on to our n-next dare. Also from Ai. And it You're frisky.

Duncan: What's the dare? Someone has to kiss her or something?

Lola: Funny you should ask! 'Cause you get to kiss her!

Eveyone, especially Courtney: WHAT?!

Courtney: What do you mean by he has to kiss her?!

Lola: Well, is not that he has to, but sense there playing seven minutes in heaven-

Courtney: WHAT?!

Ai: Man, calm down, Courtney. Is just seven minutes. In a closet. Alone. Together.

Duncan: Yeah, princess you don't have to be jealous.

Courtney: I'm not jealous! I just think that that's the worst way to start a show with that kinda of dare.

Lola: But a dare is a dare no matter how weird it is. And this one is basically not bad. But before we get to the dare. *Lola snaps her fingers and two interns chain Courtney down* Just in case you go a bit crazy. Now, let's get to the dare.

Ai: You're a pretty good actress, y'know?

Lola: Let's just get to the dare!!

*Ai and Duncan enter a closet backstage. The rest just wait*

~Seven minutes later~

Lola: Okay, seven minutes are done. Let's get Ai and Duncan. *She walks backstage to get Ai and Duncan out of the closet. She opens the door* Seven minutes are up you You guys got frisky. Now get out!

*They walk up to the contestants and Courtney gets unchained*

Courtney: What you guys do?!

Ai: Nothing much. Just a few small pecks and that's it.

Dave: Then how come you have a hickey you have a hickey on your collarbone?

*Zooms in on the hickey*

Ai: So maybe we got a bit frisky.

Courtney: *Groans then mumbles* You're so dead.

Lola: Well, on to the next dar-

Ai: Whoa, whoa, whoa, there Lola! You didn't even explain to them how we know each other. By the way, that's also a dare.

Lola: B-But-

Kitty: She's right!

Carrie: You know you have to spill the beans.

Ai: You heard them.

Lola: ...Fine. The reason why we know eachother is because...because...I can't.

Ai: Fine. You don't have to explain it. *Lola sigh of relief* ......We dated.

*Everyone gasp*

Brody: So you're a les?!

Lola: NO! I'm bisexual. And why did you say that?!

Ai: Well you weren't going to explain it to them. So I did.

Lola: *Sigh* Great. Anyway, let's move on to our next dare. Which is....pfff HAHAHAHAHA!!! OH MY GOD!

Ai: Let me see. *Sees the cue card and bursts of laughter* NO WAY! HAHAHAHAHA!

*Everyone looks confused*

Noah: What's so funny?

Kitty: Is Jacques gonna join so we can give him a wedgie?

Duncan: That sounds fun.

*Lola catches her breathes and sighs*

Lola: No. MiladySerrano dared all of you~

*Everyone whines*

Lola: To help Cody and Sierra be a thing!

Everyone, especially Cody: WHAT?!

Cody: Why Milady why?!?!

Sierra: *Fangirl squeals* Thank-you-Thank-you-Thank you MiladySerrano! This is the best day ever!!!

Cody: Can I go to the fun room?

Lola: Aw, but why?

Sierra: WHY CODY WHY?!


*Everyone stares at Cody with confusment and shock*

Ai: Let's just put him in the fun room.

Lola: Aw, okay.

*Puts Cody in the fun room*

Lola: Well, that's all, for now! Be sure to comment any other truth or dare on Total Drama Truth or Dare!

Ai: Can it be seven minutes with Lol-

Lola: HELL NO!

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