Chapter 3 "Meet with my idol"

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"Wait, what's going on there? so many people freaking out" (YourName) said and look at across the street, like this,,

•SKIP•"Wait, what's going on there? so many people freaking out" (YourName) said and look at across the street, like this,,

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And she was looking at all of people was ran to someone out of the car like this,,

And she was looking at all of people was ran to someone out of the car like this,,

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"OH MY GOD! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!" (YourName) said, and she started shed tears.

And then,, I stumbled upon the stone near Justin, until I fell in front of him and...

"Oh hey are you okay?" Justin said and he extended his hand to help me stand up
"Eh? Umm y-yeah I'm okay, t-thank you" said (YourName) then I smiled and omg I can't explain how my feelings now, because Justin, Justin my idol greeted me and help me, even though it was a little shameful to fall in front of him
"Wow who is she jay?" Ask one of his fans
"What? Yeah idk, wait what's your name?" Ask Justin
"ah? y-yeah? what? m-my name?" (YourName) said with a little nervous
"Yeah, your name, what's your name?" Ask Justin for a second time
"M-my name is (Yo)-(YourName), and oh yeah btw I'm your fan Justin" (YourName) said
"Oh really? Okay nice to meet you (YourName)" Justin said with the smile looks on his face
#...# => whispered in heart
#what?!! is this a dream? Omg okay I'm gonna die right now#-(YourName)
"Y-yeah nice to meet you too jay, ohmygod it's my best day ever" (YourName) said
#omg she's really beautiful, I want to know more about her, but how?#-Justin

Suddenly, he got the idea, while he signed one by one his fans, he whispered in Danny's ear, yep! his brother, to tell the guards to go with Justin's car, then Justin and Danny will go using car his bodyguards, after they finish to meet with their fans.

"Okay nice to meet you guys, I love you so much, good bye" Justin said and he climbed into his car (before the exchange of the car with his bodyguards)
"Aww I love you"
"I love you more"
"I love you so soo much"
"Justin!!! Omg!! I love you!!"
his fans said with the screaming

Okay this chapter is first meet Justin😂 I hope y'all like this story, I'm sorry if my English is bad😂
I'm gonna next chapter soon, comments whatever you want😘❤
I love you guys

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