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Here's the form you must follow if you'd like to join:

(Put everything in ONE COMMENT on this chapter!)

Name: (your Naruto name, and your real name)

Names of Anime and manga you thoroughly understand and can answer questions on:

How many hours you're on Wattpad each day:

What can you contribute to the group: (graphic skills, writing book recommendations and ratings, hosting writing one-shot contests, hosting sections of OtakuCon, ranting on rant book, etc.)

Password: (so I know you've read the form and rules) your favorite anime (NOT MANGA)

How many years on Wattpad:

How many years since you've started watching/reading anime/manga: (be realistic!)

Your gmail: (so I can email the sash and sticker if you're accepted, also to add you to the hangouts for our discussion forum)

Description of your personality:

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