Uh oh

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"Adira, class is over wake up." I felt a nudge on my arm.

Tiredly I look up to find my eyes meeting a very impatient Mr. Woods. Let me just give you a brief run down of Mr. Woods here.

For absolute no reason he made me fail his class last year. Why he did that is beyond me. I turned every assignment he gave us. I constantly checked in on my grades. I was passing every class, but magically, my grade in his class went...well...ploomp.

I looked back down and noticed the drool on the desk. I chuckled at how good I was sleeping and wiped the side of my face. "I'm sorry Mr. Woods. I haven't been sleeping well lately." I said as I fixed my blue and black plaid flannel sleeves. 

I stood up pulling up my black leggings and adjusting my black books.

"Listen Adira, when your dad died, I understood. I let you get passes. You got away with more than you should have."

"Don't talk about my dad, Mr. Woods." I whispered looking up at him barely enough for his ears to grab.

During the summer, my father was murdered. I never ever talked about it. I truly just pretended it never happened. When ever I found myself thinking about him I just told myself he was on a business trip. Actually thinking about him being gone was too much for my heart and sanity to handle.

My mom went down hill more than I expected. She got into drugs, alcohol and started never coming home. I tried to take care of her the best I could. Every morning I made her breakfast and left headache relieve on the table for her. I missed my mom. The woman she was now, is not my mother. 

I grab my bag and my notebook and began to walk out of his class.

"You seemed to be sleeping just fine today." He said sarcastically. Without even looking in his direction I knew that bastard rolled his eyes with a smirk plastered on his face. I just chuckled letting his smart remark go through one ear and out the other. "Have a good day Jerry." I said loud and clear and threw up a peace sign as I walked out.

It was my study hour and I didn't have anything to do. I walked down the hall way taking in the silence enjoying being the only one.I love wondering the halls by myself. Being alone and having all your thoughts to be explored while you're alone.

I turned the hall and seen that the art teacher had posted art work outside on the walls. Some students here are really talented. I took my time looking over every single one of them. They were so perfect. My dad used to draw all the time. I was always so jealous that I didn't inherit his talent. I always tried, but was never as good as him. 

I heard talking and thought it would be best if I get out of the halls. If It was an administrator, I would get suspended for being in the halls. I hate this prison. I mean...School.

"I fucking killed the man, Alex. What did you want be to do? Leave the fucking body for everyone to see?"

I stopped dead in my tracks. Shocked by what I heard. 

Did I really just hear what I thought? I began debating with myself.

I wanted to leave the area, but after what I heard, I couldn't move. I guess my brain wasn't being fast enough to send the information to my legs that I want to walk. 

I turned my head to look behind me to see If any one was coming, only to find myself alone in the hallway.

"Killed a man?" I whispered to myself before muttering, "What the fuck..."

I didn't know what to do. Should I hide? Should I stay? Should I run the fuck away?

I let out a little chuckle at how I found a way to rhyme but yet couldn't get my legs to do what their made for.

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