Part 11 - "I want you"

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I played with my vail as I looked in the mirror. I am getting married and I am happy. I hope that sounds convincing because it didn't in my mind. I don't even love Dan, he is selfish and cruel. Eight years today I left Justin, we was both heartbroken and yesterday I broke his heart again. Everything I said was a lie, me and Justin can have a happy ending, but Dan is a asshole and does not want me happy.

I heard a knock on the door and turned to see Kate she let out a shaky breath and looked out the door. Her eyes were red and she looked like she had been crying which made me feel guilty. I have not been acting myself, but how can I act when I am marrying and spending the rest of my life with forced!

"You maybe angry at me, but I think it is for the best." Kate said and I frowned confused at her and then Justin walked in, my heart stopped and a small pain occurred in my heart as I felt awkward that I was stood in front of the love of my life in a wedding dress when I am not marrying him.

"Justin" I whispered in pain and Kate left the room, leaving me and Justin on our own.

"You look beautiful" He said as his voice cracked and I gave him a light smile.

"What are you doing here Justin?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"Don't marry him." He said flatly like it was so simple and easy.

"All those people are out there, waiting for me" I mumbled while shrugging.

"That's true, but they also want you too be happy. Which you are not going to be if you go through with this." He made shook his head and I licked my lips. "Tell me I am wrong and I will leave." He said and I looked down. "You can't." He shrugged. "Because it should be us up there and you know it." He said and I took a deep breath.

"It isn't that simple." I said.

"It was only that simple when you told me you loved me, and knew it was true." I took a step forward.

"It is true, of course I love you Justin, I have always loved you. I love you more and more everyday if it is even possible to love someone that much." 

"Then leave here with me right now, we can go anywhere just you and me." I shook my head

"I know you don't understand, and I don't expect you too. But even if we weren't together, I couldn't be with you." He shook his head.

"No you don't, you have to be with the one you love. Do you love me Amelia? If you do me and you we will leave, like you always wanted. Just me and you" He said grabbing my hands.

"Why now? Why didn't you try talk to me! You walk into my life and make it so easy." I screamed

"Amelia, I wrote to you for so long, everyday, it has been eight years! So now you pick, marry him and leave me. Or leave with me, but remember Amelia, with out you I am nothing." He said me and my mouth went dry as I looked him in the eye.

"I want to-"

"Wait don't answer, before you do remember this. This time eight years ago I had you. It has been eight years ago and I'm still not over you, I still write about you and I still see you in other peoples faces, it scares me. It scares me because I will never be over you, that I will never forget you. It still feels like yesterday when you left me. You have me so happy and filled me with life and as you left you have took my happiness wth you and I have been left with sadness and emptiness. There wasn't a day a didn't think about you since you left. I miss you so much Amelia my heart aches." Tears ran down my face as I let out a sob. "There were days when I just wanted to call you and tell you how my day was but then I remember you're not there anymore, I feel like you don't care. I don't know what to do with out you because I still love you" He said and I cried.

"Justin, you didn't try and contact me in anyway!" I sobbed. "You left me, you could've written or tries to get in contact with me-"

"Amelia, I wrote to you everyday!" He gasped. "I always wrote to you! You never answered me, your name in an envelope telling you how I missed you!" I frowned when I realised the letters Dan hid, they were Justin's letters. 

"Dan hid the letters" I gasped and Justin frowned. 

"Amelia, I miss you. Come with me" He held his hand out and I looked at it. I sighed.

"No," I shook my head and he let a tear fall. "We won't work Justin we never do! We almost worked! It is the most evil word ever and I hate it. Yes we loved each other, a lot, it was so real with so many amazing moments. But we were both almost happy, we almost got what we wanted for so long." I mumbled.

"Why give up then Amelia?" He said letting a sob out.

"Because almost is close Justin okay?" I shouted. "But it isn't enough."

"Amelia, I don't care, I want you with me right now, come back to me. I will make you happy. You don't even want to marry him, you look miserable, what ever he is putting you through I can stop okay? Just don't marry him Amelia" I shook my head and wiped my tears.

"The people want me there Justin" I said walking past him and turned around. "I have to" He fixed his tie and walked away leaving me broken hearted. 

"Ready?" Chaz asked me because he was walking me down the aisle I nodded slightly and linked my arm with his. The crowd looked at me and I was only looking for Justin, but he weren't there. 

For the whole speech I looked for Justin, he was no where, it broke y heart. I love Justin, I always have there will never be a day where i don't love him. He is my world and more, but if something happened to him because of me, I don't know what I would do. 

"Do you Daniel Waterworth take Amelia Evens to be your wife?" The priest said and my mouth went dry.

"I do" Everything went blurry, I felt like I couldn't breathe, this was it. I looked down the aisle and seen Justin stand at the top of the alter looking sad, which broke my heart. 

"Do you Amelia Evens take Daniel Waterworth to be your husband?" My heart stopped and my mouth went dry. I looked at Justin and he raised an eyebrow. 

"I-I urm," I stuttered and Kate coughed but I frowned and looked at my shoes. 

'It is always the one you look for in the crowded room that matters' 

I gasped and shook my head. As I heard my moms voice. My mom and dad and sister, would they want me to marry someone I don't love?


I shook my head and cleared my thorax and looked Dan in the eye removing my hands from him. He looked at me in a warning way which made me nervous but fuck him.

"I don't" I let a tear run down my face and Dan frowned in shock and then anger was shown in his eyes. I took the microphone and cleared my throat. "Dan is an abusive asshole with a little dick" I shouted and everyone gasped but Justin had a smirk on his face I dropped the microphone and seen Kate tilt her head towards Justin and I ran down the aisle towards Justin as I grabbed his wrist and we ran out the church in the limo.

"Amelia." Justin gasped but I ignored him. 

"Back to my house please, be quick" I said and the driver nodded. For the whole way back Justin tried to get my attention but when we got to my house I jumped out and ran inside. 

"Amelia!" Justin yelled as I grabbed a suitcase. 

"What Justin!" I said heavy breathing.

"What are you doing?" He said and I began to cry.

"I want you Justin, I want to run away for a while with you, it had always been you. No matter how high the tide, or thin the ice. It has always been you. NO matter how many times I have questioned sanity and life choices. You have always been there to reassure me. No mater matter how many times I have broken down to the point where I hate my own existence. You stayed with me, you love me Justin. I don't care what people say because I know it has always been us" I said and kissed him hard on the lips.

"I love you so much Amelia" He said and I blushed. 

"I love you so much too Justin, so much can happen in eight years. But I love you."

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