Defeating Icey

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The Winx bust open the door to the castle and defeat all ice guards that Icey created. Guided by Cecilia's memory's the Winx are headed towards the the throne where Icey stays.

"Icey! Get away from him!" Bloom yells at Icey that is trying to steal the Ice kings power.
"Bloom! Am I not allowed to have some quality time with my dear beloved brother?" Icey jokes as she shoots a beam of ice towards Bloom.
"Not today! Dear sister in law I hope you've enjoyed your stay but it's time to leave!" Cecilia yells.
" Cecilia how is this possible? Ugh! Sisters! Attack the Fairys! I am so close to ultimate power I will not let you take this away from me!" Icey yells as Darcy and Stormy come out behind the throne.
"Haha I told you we would be back!" Stormy yells.
"Icey hurry get the power from him now!" Darcy yells.
"Winx get them!"
'In a split second the Winx were captured by Darcy's gravity spell or Stormy's tornado. I was alone no one to help me.....'
"No Cecilia you are not alone take the scroll and cast the spell on Leon and the Ice will free I will take care of the Trix!" Sofie yells and throws the scroll to Cecilia.
"In the name of the sun and stars I set the power of all light and good to attack the evil and save the pure captured!" Cecilia chanted.
"No! Cecilia! You will pay." The trix yell.
As the ice guards melted and the innocent people of ice frontier melted from their ice capsules the King Leon melted and sent the witches to Alfea.

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