People call me names for random reasons. They just don't understand my hobbies as well as they do theirs. They call me freak, geek, nerd, and all the things inbetween. They never call me names that are intelligent, yet I'm stupid? Try calling me something like dwale, or, even better, mulligrubs. Though, I wouldn't use these words for me. I'd say I am selcouth, a pluviophile, and a clinomania. I guess no one else is strange yet marvelous, no one loves the rain or wants to stay in bed all day. Most of all, no one has logastellus, a condition where your love of words is stronger than your knowledge of them. I guess I am a true selcouth.
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Hey brahs, thats my first poem and as you can tell I lovvvvvvvvvve to use random words that are unused, yup I'm weird. Thats all for now and thanks for reading, you know, if this gets views ; )
Unknown Words
PoetrySo, this is my poetry/short paragraph thing. Please be a good person and save me and you the trouble with not writing nasty comments. It takes time for you to write and makes me feel bad. Um, thats it. Bye, and hope you enjoy the... stuff = )