Tell them it was me! Part one

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This whole chapter is gonna mostly in Jeff's point if view and some portions of Jane and Liu.

Jeff's P.O.V


Back at home I realized that something was taking over me. But I mean the feeling is just so dam incredible! I'm glad I snapped into my senses before I did something bad over at the park. I'm still sorta upset.

"Liu! Jeff! come downstairs please!" my mom shouted from downstairs.

Liu as always was way more obedient than I was. I stayed in my room listening to them converse about a reminder that some party would take place this weekend yeah blah blah. I don't really care very much. There's other more important things to think about.

I mean for one thing, I'm pretty sure those bullies will be back. Ehh who cares about them? I'll beat their asses like I did the other day.

I heard Liu go back to his room and shut the door. Probably gonna play video games or what not.

I went downstairs to go get myself a juice. I opened the fridge and just stared at it, I think everyone does that. I pulled out a cup and poured myself mango juice.

Ding dong!

As mom twisted the knob to open the door, I looked outside and saw colored police siren lights. This couldn't be good.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Margaret. We have recently been on the case of a young boy named Randy and his friends who according to them were jumped and severely hurt with weapons and physical hits." The police officer said.

Mom had a very confused look in her face. She seemed as if they were bull shitting her or maybe they got the wrong house.

Still staring straight into the officers eyes she called us. Liu and I.

I hesitantly walked to the the door with such a nervous feeling in my stomach. I felt my stomach tie in knots the closer I got to the door.

Liu's P.O.V

After mom told me about the birthday party I went up to my room. even though it's been days since Jeff beat the bullies. I'm glad we got out of it but then again I'm worried for Jeff. He's my brother and I just can't stand the fact that he might get in trouble for this........... and serious trouble.

Looking out the window I. Hopes of relaxation I see a police car coming down the road. Immediately I felt this nerving feeling starting in my stomach and sink through me until it rapidly consumed everywhere in me.

"Please don't turn into the drive way please" I shut my eyes as I said that but it was no use.

Janes's P.O.V

"Ugh what the fuck is wrong with me? I need to stop being a retard!"

Remembering the old me and the true me I got out of my scene clothes and back to my innocent light blue dress. I went to my mirror and stared at myself. I removed the colored extension off of my hair and lightly brushed it and grabbed to strands from each side of my head. I ran the strands towards the middle, back of my head and put a big black bow to hold it in place. I took my make up off and revealed my still innocent looking face. I mean this is who I am. I gave another quick glance at myself then went to my window because my flats were right there. As I placed my feet into my shoes I saw the police car parked across the street at uhh what's his name? oh right jeff! I knew exactly why they were there. As my natural curious personality took over I stood there to see what would happen.

Jeff's P.O.V.

I stared straight into the police officer's eyes. He looked so serious at me, he wasn't even sure if it was me!?

" Son according to our evidence and victim statements we are directed to say that you are the main suspect and are guilty for this act." ,The police said sternly.

I couldn't even say a word I mean I was just so nervous I couldn't a word out. he looked at me like I was the bad, but I wasnt. I mean I did hurt them but I did it to defend my brother.

Just as the officer was about to take me away I heard someone coming down stairs.

Liu's P.O.V.

I saw the police come. I know they're gonna take Jeff as guilty.

I wasn't gonna let this happen, he did me a favor now I'll do him one.

I headed down stairs with Jeff's blade that I grabbed before making my way downstairs. This is it. I saw the officer about to handcuff Jeff .

"It was me! Let jeff go! I hurt the kids, I broke Randy's wrist I stabbed his friends! Leave Jeff alone!" I said as I pointed the blade towards the officer.

I watched mom and dad's eyes widen as they gasped in shock.

A/N: hey guys sorry if it's boring lol I'm not very good of a writer so yeah but I'm trying my best. I also apologize for not updating any sooner. anyways this book has 53 reads omg I'm sooo super duper happy eeeeekk!!!! Cx hah thanks my blue sunshines I should really give all my readers ring pops for this lol well anywho my friend got me a turtle :3 a shout out to @jeffthekillerfan12 she's an amazing person and just the best. Follow her and read her stories. Well sorry for making a long authors note don't forget to vote and comment what you think! bai bai c;

- that one weirdo girl

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