chapter 61

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i turned and see.. my grandmother 

"mama?" i've always called her that since i was younger 

"hailey? is it really you..?" she asked me

"yes mama it is indeed me" i said to her

she opened her arms wide around me with tears in her eyes i hugged back and she fell into my arms dropping her cane almost hitting the ground 

"mama are you okay?" i asked fearing that she might be hurt

"i'm fine sweetheart i just..." she started before coughing up blood

"mama whats going on?" i asked s i look down her oxygen mask is off and mama starts to fall to the ground out of breath

"mama"  yelled grabbing my phone out of my pocket dialing 911

"hello 911 speaking"

"please send help my mama's fallen and shes out of oxygen" i say crying into the phone 

"alright, miss please calm down and tell me your address" 

"8910 hartford"

"we're on our way please say calm" she says

i lay there holding my mama tears falling from my face, her blood everywhere why did this have to happen to all people her? why not me ? why they have to take one of the most perfect person? the one i loved the most? 

loud sirings all i hear then men running in the house pulling me away from her asking me questions but im too in shock to answer til my mother coming running in the door shocked and sad til she sees me then anger hits her and she tries choking me but the police take her to calm her down

i sat there for 2 hours after the police left staring at her blood stains, the police took her away, hayes and sky are playing with ava,jaylyn,and joe. my mom just cried tried taking to me here and there but i just sat there crying didn't speak a word

"hailey please just fucking tell me what happened" my mom said with hurt and anger

"i don't know" i finally said

"what do you mean you don't know?" she asked

" i was putting mine and hayes and sky's stuff away and she hugged me and dropped her can, started coughing up blood, then i realized her mask was off and she fell to the ground and i hurried and called 911 and then held her in my arms" i cried more and more

my mom came up and hugged me like she actually cared witch is obviously isn't true, i hugged back though i was a little scared she might attack me 

"mom, i know this is a bad time but i..seen dad..but he said he wasn't my father.." i looked down at the ground

"honey, i'm so sorry your real father i haven't seen in years" she said

"who was he? why did i have a fake dad? why did my fake dad get murdered but i seen him?"

"your father is king iverson the 3rd, we hooked up when i was really young at a party and soon enough i was pregnant but he had his perfect life and claimed you weren't his, i was with your fake dad david and i told him you were his child soon after you were born he got a dna test and figured you weren't his and make a skit then he died and later on moved to california thinking well never see him again but you did see him... i'm so sorry hailey i know i was the worst mom and you hate me and i messed up badly but give me the chance to fix this once and for all" she told me

"okay but no more lies or anything?" i asked 

"i promise" she said holding my pinkie into hers kissing it making me feel a lot better and gaining trust from it

i trust her and i think she knows it she seriously better not screw this up

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