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"Dad,were are we going?",I ask dad.

She told me to bring my friends,Jessica and Mika.He liked them a lot for me.He told me they are good influence.

"Be careful,Alner.We are now in the cliff parts.One wrong move and we'll all die.",Mom is just so creepy all the way from here.

"Hon,I got this.Look,just rest.Maybe,your just tired.",Dad said too confident.

Mom's right .Be careful,it a long way to go.

Night drifts,and we all became tired.

"Dad,can we sleep?",I asked Dad.Yawning out.

"Sure",Dad also yawn.But I didn't pay attention to it.

3 hours later......

-Author's POV-

All were asleep except her dad.He was also tired.But in want to leave the cliffy roadways.He fought for it and it didn't end so right.

Her father fell asleep exact when he needed to turn.The car fell.Her dad awakened.

Everyone did.

Everybody screamed in horror of death.They were all about to die.All of them were still young.Life still await for them.The parents have their seatbelts on.Junica and her friends were supposed to put theirselves in their seatbelts but it was all ready too late.All of the three children fell to the front and the glass broke onto pieces.They all fell into the darkness.Same direction.But seconds before the parents nearly fall to the very ground.They hang into a very very thick branch and just waited for help to come to them.

As for Junica,Mica and Jessica.They fell to the very ground and all were half dead.Junica were still alive,all of them was.But not near to live still.They will soon die.

Hours past.The parents were saved.Police were there.They explain what happened to the children.The Polices have the urge to save the children down there.They did.They tied ropes into the strong trees near the cliff and climb down.As soon as they got to their feet.Tehy saw the children,dead.Still in their bodies but dead.Five Polices where their to see them lying there,hopelessly dead.Cannot be saved.All eyes are open.They closed them all.The Polices know they are in peace down there.

The 27 years old police officer heard a small whisper of Junica,Mica and Jessica saying:"Thank You"

So,as soon as they got back to the upper ground,they told the parents their body isn't there anymore.The police officer was deep sad telling a lies while the parents mourn so loud.

.He was just a normal human who also died before and resurrect again.He know the feeling of dying.No one knew he died so when he resurrect no one suspense.


This was my first dream by November 1,2013.I still remember.The next were,November 2,2013.This time I'm in Junica's POV.That will be on the next chapter.

Comment what you think.Share your stories like this.Rare dreams.About death but not a nightmare.

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