Alex- Her name is short for Alexandra, but she doesn't like being called that. She prefers Alex. She has long dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. She is 17 and is starting her senior year of high school.
Jackie- She has short blonde hair and sparkling brown eyes. She is a junior at the same school as Alex, and has just turned 15.
Sugar- This is Jackie's dog. She is a Shih u dog with black fur. She is very energetic and sometimes you can't get her to calm down.
Max- This is Jackie's hound dog. He has tan fur with long floppy ears. He is a lazy dog and loves when sugar plays with his ears.
Norb- This is Alex's clumsy cat. He is always falling off Alex's table.
Linked Unknowingly
Ficção GeralAlex and Jackie are sisters. The only problem is ... they don't know it. When they meet up with each other in school, they become really good friends, not sisters.