Taboo • Newt Scamander x Reader O N E S H O T

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Newt Scamander walked into the bar with his head hung low. He sighed while he sat down at the same barstool that he always chose before rubbing his temples with a wince. I could guess that he was having a headache, based on the way he had just sat there for moments without even regarding me standing behind the table as always, simply just waiting for him. After what had to be at least ten minutes of me just waiting for Newt to notice me, he had finally moved his hands with a sigh and looked to meet my eyes.

"The usual?" I asked while turning to the bottles that were lined against the wall. Newt could be heard taking his trench coat off, setting it on top of his case. "(Name), I'll need four tonight." Newt's words had froze me in mid-pour. Four shots were a lot for anyone, but it was even more for the curly haired man. He did not exactly hold his alcohol too well, and she was hesitant to even pour the other drinks.

"That's a lot, Mister Scamander." I commented, starting to hesitantly pour the other three shots. I slowly carried them over to him, and he downed the three as if it were water. He sighed afterwards and rested his head onto his hand, looking up to me with his large blue eyes. He licked his lips as if to get rid of all the remaining alcohol on his lips. "I can't do it anymore, (Name)." Newt sounded more rough than usual, and he sounded shaky as if he were just recently crying. I frowned softly before leaning upon the counter. "What happened tonight?" Newt's face had become darker at the sound of my words.

Newt came home a little later than he usually would. He was visiting Jake and Queenie as a short check up. He come home to meet Tina, a smile on his face in the first time. "Tina? I'm back!" Newt's voice echoed through the room. There was no reply at first. Newt's smile began fading while he took off his scarf, wrapping it into a small little bundle. "I never thought you'd come back. How many today?" Tina's mocking voice made Newt jump, dropping his case and scarf onto the ground.

"How many?" Newt asked while he tilted his head, looking over at the girl sitting on the sofa all by herself. Tina looked angry as she ran her fingers in a circle patten on the sofa, a frown painted on her face. "How many girls?" She asked, in a mocking tone. Newt's heart dropped. It hadn't been the first time Tina had made an accusation like this, but yet every time she used that card it had hurt him. "Tina, I've told you a million times that I would never dare sleep with any other people." He said, walking over to her. She slowly looked up at him before narrowing her eyes.

"I thought you hufflepuffs were supposed to be honest and loyal." Her words wore dripping with venom. Newt stepped back as Tina stood up, a glare still on her face. "You head to the bar every single night! Do you think I'm dumb!?" The impact of her words was enough to hurt Newt. But, as soon as her hand had collided with his cheek with an ear deafening sound, Newt froze. His hand slowly moved up to the slap, with his eyes staring straight into Tina's, in shock.

He walked out. He walked out and slammed the door after that. He did not need Tina. He did not need her anymore.

It was like all of the sudden I just had noticed the red mark still streaked across his face. I frowned and tightened my grip on the bar towel that I was tightly holding onto. I looked away from Newt and started roughly scrubbing the bar where he sat. "I'm sorry." I said, in a mumble more to myself than him. Over all this time I had grown close to the odd man. I looked forward for my shift just to talk to the curly haired man. And, every night it was worth it.

The alcohol seemed to be starting to affect Newt as he had grabbed onto my wrist. He stared at me for a moment with those blue eyes I loved, before he cleared his throat softly. "(Name), will you please come with me? I want to show you something." He was holding onto his case as he spoke to me, as if the thing he wanted to show me was in that small suitcase. I was hesitant. I knew that my shift ended soon, so getting out this early wouldn't make too much of a difference. I sighed and nodded before holding my breath.

I took off my bartender apron and walked out to the door, Newt following with him carrying his case and coat in one arm with the other he had been loosening his tie. I opened the door for him, and just like that we were out. It was a silent long walk, I think that part of it was because he was a bit drunk, and I was his bartender. It almost seemed in a way- taboo.

A pair of heels could he heard clicking in the distance, before it stopped quickly. The heels were making faster sounds and they were drawing closer and closer. "Newton! You- You-" The high pitched voice echoed through the streets. She had short brown hair that was poofy beyond belief, and her eyes were narrowed sharply to a point. "You disgust me!" She let out a whiplash with her hand against his cheek. His face stayed in the direction he was hit, seeming that he had no will to fight against her anymore. This had to be Porpentina. The actions seemed too similar to me.

"Don't touch him like that." My voice broke the silence. Her head shot over to me and she seemed to have her blood boil even more than before. She took a few steps closer to me before tilting her head slightly. "You have no right at all to even speak to me." Her voice was filled with disgust and self worth. I narrowed my eyes while she turned to him, a clicking sound of shame that a mother would make to their son. "These are the types of girls you sleep with?" And, with those words by Tina, I was done.

My heart was racing in utter anger as I shoved her away from Newt. She stumbled back a bit before regaining balance, looking at me with utter and complete shock. "He has slept with no one! YOU have been treating him like hell and worse, and he doesn't even fight back!" My voice was higher than normal as I screamed, my hands in fists by my sides. Tina looked a bit frightened as she lifted her hands up while she took a step back. "You don't even deserve him! Having no trust in such a loyal and kind man!" My words finally made Newt turn his head over to me, a small smile creeping upon his lips.

Tina looked a bit baffled for a moment. Until, I saw her pull back her fist. My eyes widened and it was like all at once I was frozen. The world went into slow motion, and before her fist could collide with my face an arm had pulled me back. My back hit against Newt's chest, and he kept his arms wrapped around me. His eyes were narrowed at Tina, and I could feel his heart pounding. He was subconsciously rubbing small circles on my stomach as he prepared to speak.

"Tina, I don't want to see you anymore." Newt's voice was harsher than usual. Tina's face paled. I bet that she never guessed that Newt would say those words to her, and she was instantly taken aback. "But-" She was cut off by Newt almost instantly. "Leave. Now." Tina frowned more so than before, and hesitantly after a few moments, she started walking away. It was just Newt and I now, neither of us daring to break apart. It seemed that both of us were waiting for this moment, and we didn't want to break it.

"(Name)?" His voice was barely a whisper. "Yeah?" I whispered coarsely, earning a small smile from Newt. He finally had let go of me and opened me to the cold, feeling the breeze against my skin only covered in a thin white blouse. "May I kiss you?" He asked in a stutter as he had swallowed nervously. I smiled while my heart raced, leaving no time for reply as I went onto my toes, connecting my lips with Newt's. The kiss lasted for many long moments, but once we had broke away, we never broke eye contact.

"Would it sound Taboo if I said that I have always loved you?" I whispered, in barely a whisper. A smile slowly spread to Newt's soft lips.

"Not so, at all."

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