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1. If your someone like the sisters, a Lucifern, kamalas, or valokas (Ect.) You may have to share the part with others. In that case, just give your kamala/valoka a stupid name like Soap.

2. If you die, you die. But for the sake of staying in the roleplay, you can just turn into a Kamala.

3. If a kamala makes contact with water, then your a Valoka.

4. Important roles such as Fran or Mr. Midnight (ect.) Needs my permission.

5. It has nothing to do with the actual story's plotline, and its time period is random.

6. If you read this say shoe lace. If you don't say this you wont be accepted.

7. you cant fly. Only Itward and Polantras can fly.

8. You cant speak Ithearstance, unless the king gives you a seed.

9. The top of the mountain Kotrem's name is Betty.

10. Enjoy the Roleplay!

Fran Bow RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now