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This is a book about....duh....Zodiac Signs. A friendly reminder that none of these stuff are really true. 

Actually they are but they don't come true. I did my research of every single one these signs. Please appreciate my work and time!  

I mean that you can believe this if you want, but I'm saying that some people have different opinions. 

They choose to believe this kind of stuff and others believe that this is just nonsense. If you don't like it, exit the book at any time. No one's stopping you.  :D

I will update this whenever I get time. I have other books I am currently working on so this is just a book for fun! Everyone love fun, right? 

No hate. I'm not looking for votes or your mean comments so if you have something bad to say then keep it to yourselves. Understood? 

And please don't copy and paste my hard work I put time into by copy and pasting. Thanks for appreciating my work. All Rights Reserved.

A quick side note: Leave anytime you want to! 

Thank YOU Very Much!  :)

Oh Prickle Frackle!  

Lol! Jokes! Puns! 


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