If the Zodiacs were a Drug.....

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Okay, so I have decided to change things up and do an If the zodiacs were...... if you want me to continue what I was doing before then comment down below and I will! Now, Enjoy! 


Aries: Crystal Meth. It increases your energy and alertness and Arians have a lot of energy to dole out. When excitement comes over them, they have a strong desire to go for it and when they want something they will go for it with full force. 

Taurus: ECSTASY. It increases your awareness of senses, and Taureans truly enjoy the sensual pleasures of life. When they look they have to touch because they simply love indulging all of their senses.  

Gemini: SALVIA. The effects can be short-lived much like Gemini's attention can be fleeting. They are quick to change their mind and attitude just as well. They are carefree and lighthearted. 

Cancer: LSD. It makes everything grander in scale and Cancer's sensitivity makes everything around them greater than it should be. Their emotional sensitivity ends up twisting situations or creating unlikely scenarios.    

Leo: Cocaine. Much like how cocaine makes you feel happy and confident, Leos are usually happy and full of confidence no matter how sensitive they might be.

Libra: Cannabis. Libra seeks to create balance around them much like cannabis balances you out. 

Virgo: Adderall. It gives you a strong sense of concentration, and Virgo usually has a strong ability to focus all their energies on tasks. 

Scorpio: Heroin. Just like Scorpio, they're both hardcore and addictive. 

Sagittarius: PCP. It's very trippy, much like Sagittarians can be quite the trip. 

Capricorn: Ritalin. It can either help you focus or make you hyper depending on the person. 

Aquarius: Psilocybin Mushrooms. They definitely get you thinking about life. 

Pisces: Valium. Valium relaxes you and Pisces almost always look as if they are perpetually in a mellow state.   


That's it! Did your zodiac drug surprise you? I know mines did. Comment your thoughts. See you soon! :D

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