8~Far yet Closer

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(A/N: When the picture is too big to fit the top part)

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(A/N: When the picture is too big to fit the top part)

The next day, Raven was eating her brunch when she heard Jackson on his phone FaceTiming his family. She paused when she heard NanNan's cute voice calling for his big brother. The girl smiled sadly, wouldn't it be nice with a family like that?

Raven ate silently until the boys came downstairs. It's been a few days so they were pretty used to each other's presence in the house, though they weren't what people call close. From the past few days, Raven learnt that although they're the Tfboys, they're unlike all the Kpop boy bands. The Tfboys were less crazy, that's for sure. But they also are too collected when they have nothing to do. They'd just lay on the couches and go on their phones looking at god knows what. And although Raven doesn't have an exact plan, she's determined to change that in some way or another.

"Hey Jackson, I heard you call NanNan earlier," Raven blurted, hoping she didn't sound like a stalker.

"Yea," He replied without looking at Raven, "I don't want my family to worry since we're going to be staying here for a while because of work."

Raven just nodded and suddenly an idea struck. Excusing herself from the table moments later, she quickly sped off out of the house with her earbuds in her ears, biking toward the dance studio. "Gina," Raven panted as soon as she stepped into the room, "I have something to tell you."

After telling Gina, the older woman nodded at the idea and bid goodbye as Raven ran out of the studio again and began to head home.

Jackson's 3rd POV:

As Jackson, Karry, and Roy ate, Raven suddenly excused herself from the table out of the blue and was out of the house in a second.

"Raven is a different girl," Roy observed

"Yea," Karry replied simply

Afterwards, there was a not-awkward-yet-not-comfortable silence until Jackson suggested to practice on the new dance somewhat later in the day. And with that, the younger boys made their big bro clean the dishes.

Jackson walked around the house, getting used to what room every door lead to. He ended up in the library and decided to look for a good chinese book since he preferred it better than american novels. Jackson's eyes landed on a old looking, extremely thick book that looked as if one touch would make all the pages fall out. Gently picking it up, there was surprisingly not a single speck of dust on the cover. At that moment, the other two guys walked in to see what Jackson was up to and urged him to flip through the mysterious book. But it wasn't just a book, the three figured out, it was a picture book which mainly included 2 cheerful girls. Curiosity filled the room along with questions being answered. Messy handwriting in the book wrote RAvEn anD WiLLoW added with lots of hearts. The 2 young girls from the age of 1 to 12 year old can barely be differentiated in every photo.

The guys were examining the pictures which had exact dates on the corners. Roy was bent so close to the book that his nose was literally a millimeter from the pages. From the noise of the page flipping, there was a small cough from the doorway and Tfboys looked up from the mesmerizing photos that each seem to be telling a story. Raven didn't look angry, that's good, but Jackson could see in her eyes that there's something troubling.

Raven kept calm and quietly found a chair next to Jackson, "That's Willow, my younger twin sister," she barely whispered, "She should be 16 years old now."

"Where is she now?" Roy asked, "How come I never saw her before?" making Jackson mentally face palm.

Raven just smiled sadly at him, "She's in a better place now." voice wavering a bit. Then, she got up and left. Leaving the 3 boys staring at the last photo. The photo of Raven and Willow at the age of around 12 sleeping together in each other's arms, knowing that only one is asleep.

Jackson didn't know what made him do it, maybe because he also have a younger sibling, but he got up and chased after Raven's retreating figure. "I'm sorry," He finally said. Looking closely to the girl, Jackson could tell she's really thankful although she's on the verge of tears, "It must be hard for you." and Raven nodded. Hesitating a little, Jackson pulled Raven into a comforting hug, feeling her stiffen in his arms. And then, Raven let go, sobbing softly.

No words were needed.

Although in the end, the boys didn't end up practicing the dance anytime that day.

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