The base

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Hi I'm Marcela and I'm the author I guess you would say about this book. I'm just going to explain the book and how I write it.
When u write like this that just means the character is thinking or it is just showing his/hers thought
When I write like this that basically means chapters are texting/typing
this book is a combination of fan fiction and my life. What I mean about that is that this will have my school, my crushes, fam, and friends. But the fiction part is that my address, some friends I will create, Mario, mark, all social media people,  age, and my house. Another thing that I will add that is true is my feelings and my thoughts and that I am actually depressed 50% of the time I'm always insecure and I never think I'm perfect. Of course people say no one is perfect but everyone knows that there are girls that are perfect. Anyway I hope u like the book💞 oh and btw yes that's me I'm ugly just ignore me and forget how I look like though out the book because I want u to imagine the charter💞

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