Chapter 2 training

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Angie's P.O.V.

We started to head upstairs when German stopped us.

"Angie you know the rules no boys up stairs" he said

"German I'm not a little girl I know how to behave and it's not like me and him are going to do anything" I said

"Well I don't know that and you know the rules any guy friends stay down stairs" he said

"You know I can do the same thing with a girl which I would do with a boy" I said rolling my eyes

"Ángeles it's fine we can just go back to labs" said Barry

"Ugh I don't want to walk all the way over there again" I said

"Don't even complain I carried you all the way over here you didn't even have to walk" he said

"But I did have you hang on and that's tiring" I said

"You are so lazy" he said I just rolled my eyes at him

"Fine if we are going back I'm getting an apple first I'm starving" I said

"Okay I got my Apple" I said

"Finally we can go back to labs already" he said

"But do we have to we just came all the way here when I told you we should have stayed"

"Barry don't worry about her she is always lazy" said violetta.

"I know you should have seen her when she was younger" he said

"Hey guys I'm still standing here" I said.

"It's Not my fault you're to lazy to even walk" he said

"Ugh you can be so annoying sometime" I said.

"If you need to work on something you can use my office" said German

"Really thank you" i said

"It's no problem and knowing how lazy Angie it's better that way" he said

"Still here you know" I said

"Thank um..." said Barry

"German" he said

"Sorry Im just not good with names" said Barry.

Barry and I went into Germans office and started to plan our plan and also he told me more about the meta human. He sounds really dangerous and scary

"Okay so I think we should start training tomorrow" he said

German's P.O.V.

Angie and her friend have been in my office for 2 hours I don't know what's they are doing in there. I didn't want them to go upstairs alone since Angie has a crush on him and I don't want them to do anything up there it not like I'm jealous because I'm not, not at all. I wonder what Angie is girding since last night she's been acting very weird since violetta acmes here about SGF.

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