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       It was a boring night for Serena as she was trapped in the car due to the rain. The night wasn't quiet, it was drizzling. She couldn't go out as she might catch cold if she walk under the rain. It was a dark parking area but there was a light pole providing a little brightness to the street and the area around. Sitting in the car, she heard the noise of each drops of rain on the car. There were also few aeroplanes passing by since Serena right now is at the area near to the international airport. Apart from the sound of rain drops and flights, there were lightning too. These sounds were really annoying Serena. Something which annoyed her more was Harry's attitude, making her wait for him for hours in the car. Serena owns a maroon metallic Suzuki Swift. Its her first car she bought on her own after 2 years of working life. ''Oh my...What's the time now?'' Serena was grumbling to herself. ''It's been 1 hour! I'm waiting in the car like a dumb woman!'' Serena is a short tempered lady, but she has changed a lot after knowing her man. She could control her anger so much better than 5 years back. 5 years back, before she have met Harry, she was really egoistic and stern. Meeting Harry was something really awesome had ever happen to her. She learns that true love does exist and she was proven that there is a man who could love her without condition.

       ''Oh yes, you are here Harry!'' Serena saw someone wearing white shirt coming out from the conference room. The distance of her car and the conference room is not that far which was just about 200 metres. ''Thank god, I can go home now.'' Serena had a big relief after seeing her husband has done with his meeting. She had spent nearly an hour in the car doing nothing. Now, she was rejoicing to go home and her slumberland was waiting for her at home. Harry was walking towards the car. His shadow was produced by the light from the light pole beside the street. Serena was looking at him and the shadow. She remembered those days in her childhood when she and her siblings loved playing with the shadows. They always played during the current cut. Her mother would place some candles in the dark house and that was the time she had fun with her siblings by playing with shadows. Harry's shadow was coming towards Serena then she knew that Harry is very near. She then found out the car was locked. When she was about to pull the car lock, Serena saw something terrific. She was traumatized. She couldn't think of any reason to compromise her fear. Harry wasn't Harry. The man with white shirt wasn't her husband. The person in white shirt doesn't exist on the road but just leaving its shadow. What she saw was only the shadow moving towards her. There's no one out there. Thousands of questions running in her mind. ''Who was the person in white shirt?'' ''Where did he go?'' ''How could there be a shadow without an object?'' Serena asking herself these questions to herself but she couldn't get any idea about this matter. ''Oh god, the shadow is coming towards the car!'' Serena shouted. She closed her eyes tight and covered her face with her hand. She was trembling. She felt the warmth present in the atmosphere. But, the car engine was on and the air condition was on too. Then, how and why was she feeling warm in the car. Serena couldn't stand the fear when she heard a sound, sound of foot steps. She wanted to scream out of her life. She thought that when she scream her husband could hear her and help her. At that horrifying moment, she has forgotten that Harry is in the conference room which was far away from the car. She opened her mouth and her loud voice broke the eerie atmosphere. ''Harry! Help! Help!'' Serena was shouting. ''Oh please, somebody please!''

      Suddenly she realized that she has her mobile phone in the car. She uncovered her face, open her eyes to see something that she couldn't forget in her life. She fainted before she could reach her phone.

       ''Rina! Rina!'' Harry was calling Serena in a big shock. The car door was opened. Serena's half body was sitting in car whereas her upper part of the body was on ground, out of the car. Harry was worried to see his wife in this position. He shook Serena's body, trying to wake her up. Serena was being seated in the car to her comfortable posture. Harry could feel her body was as chill as an ice. Harry couldn't do anything because Serena wasn't moving. He started the car engine, stepped on the paddle. Vrooom...the Suzuki was speeding. Harry's face was frowned, he was upset. While driving, he called Serena. But, she replied nothing, not even a single movement from her. Things were getting worse.

         The car was passing through a big housing area. The place were decorated in an awesome way. This was some kind of Bungalow houses. Harry admired the place. Even though he was so much worried a minute ago, he became calm after he reached this area. Harry saw the place was full of beautiful lights, lanterns were hung by the roadside. Children were playing in the play ground. It was enjoyable. ''Harry, where are we?'' Oh thank goodness, Serena is awake. Harry hugged his darling and kissed her forehead. ''you are alright, my baby.'' He stopped the car at the roadside and comforted his wife. She was a little dizzy. She was in her husband's arm, feeling warm. She looked out the window of the car, and it was cold out there. The place looked cold and quiet. ''Baby, can we go out to have some fresh air?'' Serena asked her husband. But, Harry was a little reluctant to go out. It was because he saw the time in the car showed that it was 1.21 in the midnight. Coldness was running through his spine.

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