There he sat, sipping his coffee, completely oblivious that it would be the last cup of coffee he would drink. She wanted to send him a death note - that was Kate's style. She took a sip of her own tea as she watched her victim's actions from the table beside him.
She sighed, unable to understand why some clients had to impose these restrictions while killing. She was a professional killer, and she wanted to kill the way she was comfortable. She could not even leave her signature! The Venom Rose almost always left her victims with a rose soaked in poison. However, Kate could not do it this time because her rich businessman client dd not want to be branded to have gone to Venom Rose to annihilate a person who would pose a threat to him.
Kate looked at the details of her target on her phone. A blonde man with three earrings and a scar on his cheek stared back at her. She then looked at the man at the table. He had finished his coffee, and got up to leave. He looked like he was in his 30's in the picture, but in reality, anyone would say that he was not a day older than 18.
"Am I that handsome that you're willing to stalk me from my house to the station, and now the cafe?" Kate let out a scream of surprise when he appeared behind her, and whispered in her ear. She quickly hid her phone, and hoped he had not seen it. She quickly got up and stared at the floor, thinking for a plausible reason who she had been following him ever since he had left his house.
"Well..." She began, but he cut her off.
"Well, anyway, you're coming with me," he said, grinning. He grabbed her hand and hurried her out pf the cafe. "I have plans for you," he whispered in her ear as he dragged her to a lonely alley.
Kate bit her lip as he pushed her against the wall. Don't you worry, Charles Barrington, this is going to be your end.
"So what's your name, lovely?" His face was so close to hers that she could feel his breath.
"Annabelle," she stammered, feigning vulnerability.
"SO does Annabelle have a surname?" He asked, running his finger down her cheek. His other hand was on her right, preventing her from escaping. However, that was an advantage for her. He was distracted, and he couldn't defend himself.
She slipped her hand into the pocket of her coat, and took out her knife. Without any hesitation, she thrust it into his chest. "It's Betray," she smiled and pulled the knife out of his chest. He stumbled back. He was still alive. That wouldn't do. Well, at least he was in pain. Her orders were to kill him. She walked over to him when he collapsed on the ground, his breathing laboured.
"Next time," she announced haughtily. This was a quick and easy kill. "Charles Barrington." She knelled beside him, her knife in her hand right above him "You decide to antagonize someone." The knife went through his neck. She was astonished that he wasn't struggling. "Try not to betray him by stealing the goods he smuggled." Another stab in his abdomen. "You were partners, weren't you?" Three more stabs. "Well, more of partners in crime, but it was bad of you to betray him like that."
The guy was dead anyway. Kate got up and wiped the blood on her knife. She then discarded her skin coloured gloves by setting them on fire. She was personally proud of herself. The man looked terrible: Eyes opened in agony, blood all over, his body in an awkward position. She stared at the body, not entirely satisfied with her work. It could have been more heinous. But he was already dead, exactly how her client requested. Her work here was done.
Kate opened the heavy envelope containing her next job. A picture dropped out of it. A blonde girl with the prettiest smile stared back at her. Kate bit her lip as she read the details of her victim. Surprisingly, there was not a single detail. Instead, there was a note.