Chapter 1

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*Megan's POV*

"Come on! He's going to leave without us!" My mum called from downstairs. I was just finishing packing my bag for the holiday we were going on. Me, my mum, my dad, and my little sister Daisy, who is two, were going to Paris for a week, and we were all so excited! We have never been on holiday before, unless you count staying in a tent for a night because you have no idea where you were a holiday, then there is clearly something wrong with you. But that is a completely different story.

Apparently my dad was going to leave without us, which wasnt true but i was going to hurry up all the same. I zipped my case up and quickly (and i mean quickly) jumped down the stairs with it, two at a time, which resulted in me landing at the bottom with my suitcase on top of me.

"Ouch" i groaned, but eith a slight chuckle.

"Oh stop being silly Megan and hurry up! the ferry leaves at half past 11!"

I checked my watch to see what time it is and... SHIT, it's quarter to 11!

"Oh my god mum, im so sorry, we going to miss the ferry now! The car jouney is an hour at the least and then we will miss the ferry!"

"It's okay, if we leave now we can go a little bit over the speed limit and im sure will get there on time"

I just hoped she was right.

Mum and I hopped into the car, where Daisy was already strapped in her baby seat, strapped ourselves in and we were off!

I tried closing my eyes because i didnt really like car journeys; i usually got car sick, but it didnt work. I put my headphones in and drifted off into the music.

After a while (i didnt realise it had been so long) i heard my mum and dad shouting at each other. I couldn't quite make out what they were saying, so i took my headphones out to hear them.

"Oh stop being stupid and just go a bit faster! We are going to miss the ferry at this rate!" I heard my mum shout.

"Yes but i can't just drive faster when we are on a road which the speed limit is 50mph! It's against the law and something bad will happen!" My dad replied.

"Right fine, have it your way then, but dont come crawling back to me when we miss the ferry."

"Oh okay then! Ill do it, but don't say i didnt warn you that something will go wrong! We'll get arrested!"

He hits the pedal and you can feel the car speeding up. I looked over across at Daisy and she was fast asleep. I put my headphones back in again and my favourite song "What About Now" by Westlife was on. Ergh i love it so much. I sang the words in my head and finally felt my eyelids closing.

My eyes suddenly jolted open as i hear a woman screaming. I looked around and found it was my mother who was screaming. She was also looking behind the car, so i turned my head around to see what was so fascinating but there was nothing there. Thats odd. I swiftly turned my head back around to face the front but before i could take into account what was going on,


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