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There's a knock on Luke's bedroom window. He was asleep in bed. Snug blankets lay over his naked body. How could he hear in such a peaceful sleep? But the knock happened again. It startled him. He sat up and looked around. Nothing. The knock happened one last time. He spun his head towards the window. A red shadow appears through the glass.

The last time Michael came over like this it was to have sex. Luke was tired but he didn't want to leave Michael hanging all out in the cold so he walked over to open the window. Michael crawled through the window and stumbled inside. He looked down at Luke, checking him out, and smirked.

"No, Michael" Luke said, "Not tonight. I'm too tired."

"No. It's not that. We're going on a road trip. Ashton's got the car right outside."

"A road trip? It's 2am. And what about Calum?"

"Calum didn't want to come. Now get your clothes on and let's go. Unless you want to have sex first and then go."

Luke sighed and went to his dresser to grab some clothes.

"Wear your race car undies." Michael called.

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