My begining

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Everyone has a story. My story is alike to so many other people's around here. All us Survivors. We survived while the world turned to chaos and rubble as the 'Green Flu' spread. The world turned to apocalypse. Zombie apocalypse.

We all have our tales to tell the younger generation, but i decided to write mine down, for the generations to come. Yes, I had told tales around a campfire to kids, telling them how I had stared Tanks in the eye, sniped smokers and triggered off witches. They would gasp in Horror when I showed them my scars of battle, and grin when I told them the tales of the frying pan, I had carried around with me in the swamp.

But where is my manners? I forgot to tell you who I am.

I am Ellis. A survivior, who used to live in America, near Savanagh in the south.

I remember the day when it began. When the zombie apocalypse started. I was at my house with my family. It was my Sister's Birthday, and she was opening her presents by the window. She always sat there, so she could keep a lookout outside. On the news we heard as many states were being overrun, Mainly in the North. The house now looked like a fort then a house. we had guns on the wall, fully loaded, just waiting to be put off the safety. My sis opened the present I had got her and smiled.

''I don't need this Ellis.''

''That will come in handy someday.'' I had given her one of my pistols.

''I got ol' Bessie.''

''You can't count on that ol' thing. this can be loaded on your bedside table in case any get in.'' She was about to protest, but Mom interjected,

''You can't be too safe out there, these god forsaken days.'' So my Sis nodded, and reached for her last present. The last present from me. She didn't even have time for her fingers to grasp the small package. A zombie lept through the window and bit into her neck. My Pop put a bullet through the zombie's head. But it was too late for my Sister. I picked up the gun I had given her, and put a bullet through her skull. That was my first brush with the plauge. That was the begining of the end.

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