Scarlet and Howl part 1

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So I wrote this with Hearushowl and I'll put the things she wrote in italic and put mine bolded. I really want to thank Hearushowl for helping me with this and kind of starting the whole story by doing a quiz. Okay, quick story time since that won't make sense. Hearushowl took a quiz to see the type of people we'd be in the RWBY anime and I named the one that's me Scarlet and she named her's Howl. So we created a little story from it. ^^  That's seriously what we do, lol. But anyways, that's enough from me! I hope you love our work! >.<


"Scarlet!" she yelled looking to her friend before turning her head quickly to duck under the blow of the monster she was fighting, "How're things on your end?" She blasted the Grimm in front of her with the blast of her trumpet and a fluent punch.

"It's going good!" Scarlet yelled back before teleporting to a new monster before finishing off the one she was on. She was lightning as she boost off the ground bring her sword down and through the neck, cleanly decapitating the victim. Then, she moved on to the next Grimm who came charging at her adding, "Want any help?"

She used her glyph to launch herself back, blast a monster back, then uses the other glyph of hers to launch behind the monster and punch it in the spine with the force of a truck, sending it sprawling to the ground, "Nah, nah. I'm alright. I was just asking." Turns around to see another Grimm charging her and she made a solid blow to its jaw.

Scarlet teleports behind a monster reaching out to grab her before adding, "If you say so." Then, uses her broad sword to pierce the heart of it. She hears the sound of the pounding feet of the Grimm and had no time to release her sword of the body and used it to boost herself up to make a solid blow with her boot to the side of the monster's head. 

The monster fell to the ground lifeless as she landed back on the ground, recoiling the knife back into the boot. She pulled the sword out of the other monster's chest and wiped off the blood on the unmoving body before teleporting to her partners side. "There were quite a lot of them, wouldn't you say so?"

"Yes. They're attracted to negative emotions usually, so I wonder what happened...?" she said before she started to look around at their surroundings.

"Hmm, maybe it was that stupid whatever his name was. Do you remember it?" Scarlet said glancing over at her friend.

She looked back giving Scarlet a blank look, "I feel like I know what you're talking about. I want to say I know what you're talking about. But I don't. You know I have terrible memory."

"Well, anyways, I bet it was him. I think his name was Benjamin. I'll get him when we finish this. Doesn't anyone know that just sending a group of monsters won't kill us," Scarlet said turning her gaze away and rolling her eyes, "I mean seriously, this happens every time."

"That's true. Honestly, I think they're just running out of ideas at this point." she heaved a sigh a disappointment before darting her arm out to punch the monster coming at them from behind.

"Very true." also heaved a sigh of disappointment and punched a monster coming at them from the front, "Why can't anyone have some imagination once in a while? I would love it if someone threw a dragon or something at us. that would promise some fun." she smiled and knifed a Grimm in the head again before using her broad sword to decapitate the one she had punched before continuing, "Don't you agree, Howl?"

"Yeah. Dragons would be nice." She blasted a flying Grimm out of the air before turning around them to find no more monsters coming towards them. "I think that's the last of them." She let her hair down and put on a top hat with a purple band around the middle. "Alright, shall we move on?"

"We shall," she said pulling the hood of her cloak up, casting a shadow across her face, "Let's start moving to get this 'Benjamin.'" She started to walk in the lead as she always did, casting a look of solidarity and lonesome.

Howl quickly fell into place behind her as she adjusted her blue armor. "So, what's the plan? Just find him and break into his secret base or whatever? Haven't done that in a while." she said looking back on memories of times long gone.

"I'm not sure," Scarlet admitted, "He didn't look to be the type to have a secret base. He was all squeaky, like a rat. He gave us up to someone so the place to go is where we first found him. That seems logical to me. What do you think? Good idea?"

"Sounds good to me." Howl said bringing forth a satchel and starting to dig through it. "Do you have any food? I can't seem to fin any of-" a small purring head popped out of the opening of the satchel and stared calmly up at her. She grabbed it and held it out with an annoyed expression so Scarlet could see. "Is this your doing?"

"Maybe." she smirked under the darkness of the hood, "He's cute isn't he? I found him myself. He was just too cute so I had to." she turned around and reached her arms out for the small kitten, "May I take him?"

Howl gratefully handed the kitten over, "He's cute, and he's yours, my food isn't. You owe me, I had some of the best snacks in there!" she growled in anger and closed the bag before adding, "Anyway, that just means I get to eat your food." A sinister smile came across her face and all thoughts of her food went from her mind.

"What?! No way!" she yelled bringing the kitten and satchel closer to her chest, "I have some good food in here!"

"I had some good food too!" she yelled back and tackled Scarlet with the food satchel.

"NOOO!!! MY FOOD!" she yelled wrestling with Howl who had taken hold of it.

Howl grappled for the satchel of food, "Your cat ate mine so it's only logical that I get to eat yours!"

"It isn't my fault the cat ate your food!" she shielded the frightened kitten and wrestled with Howl.

"No, but it's your fault for getting the cat!" wrestled and started to tumble down the hill, but she desperately reached for the bag regardless. She had managed to open it and now reached for the food inside.

Scarlet quickly put the kitten into one of her magical pockets inside the cloak before managing to zip the bag up so she wouldn't be able to get at it. "Now look what you've done! We're falling down a hill!" She grabbed the satchel and Howl tightly as they started to roll faster and faster down the hill.

"Oh well!" she said holding onto Scarlet tightly but hits a rock and was forced to let go. She continued to roll down the hill, going faster and faster. A tree at the bottom of the hill stopped her fall. "Ow..." she winced and looked around, seeing the bag and went crawling for it, but was stopped by a person stepping in front of her. When she looked up, she realized that it was not just one person, it was a group. "Um...hi?"

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