part 6

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Josh's Pov

We've been skiing for half an hour and I've been on the floor through most of it, my bum was so swore because I kept slipping and landing on my bum. Everyone was so good at skiing and then there was me who kept falling on my bum every 10 seconds i sighed Emma came over to me. what's up babe she said wrapping her arms around me nothing i just can't do it i sighed wrapping my arms around her and leaning my chin on her head, its okay i'll teach you she said excitedly oh god no that's embarrassing a girl showing her boyfriend how to ski no i snapped and walking away.

Emma's pov

what's wrong with josh i sighed i went running after him i grabbed his hand and he turned around what do you want he shouted at me what..what's wrong josh? i said frowning nothing did you come here to make me feel embarrassed, trying to show me up he shouted i was just gob smacked what no josh i brought us all out here to celebrate and not everyone knows how to ski see George has fallen over 10 times everyone falls your not the one i said he just sighed and walked of again i thought i'll leave him. i went to the others and told them what happened they looked confused as i was. we just left him and carried on skiing i fell over 5 times and George is trousers fell down aha i bet sophie loved that as she was giggling and blushing. we all got home and josh wasn't there i ran to every room and he wasn't there i sat on the couch calling him he never answered or texted me back its all my fault we should never came here i cried in to George's chest while he was hugging me. its okay he'll be fine he wouldn't do anything stupid he loves you he really does George said which made me smile. lets go and get ready to go to the club i'll text him where we are going George said rubbing my arm i smiled and kissed him on the cheek George was such a good friend. i went to have a bath and get ready, me and sophie we're getting ready she told me what her and George did at the hotel i wish she didn't ha. we were ready but this time we were waiting for the boys which was surprising, they all came strolling down the stairs looking quite hot aha. you look beautiful George said to sophie while going to hug her they made such a cute couple i awh'ed and we made our way to the club has josh texted back i asked George he hasn't he replied back i just frowned. we got out the car and i holded on to jaymi walking in to the club because i didn't want to fall. the club was live drinks left, right and centre, it was good but i couldn't stop worrying about josh i wonder where he was.

josh's pov

i was at a club getting drunk after ages, this cute waitress was serving me she kept winking and smiling at me, josh omg josh i heard someone shout it was Emma oh crap i said. she ran over and gave me a big hug and gaved me a kiss, the kiss got heated my tongue slipped in to her mouth it was so good we parted to catch our breathe i..i was so worried about you don't ever do that to me again she said still hugging me i'm sorry i slurred i was drunk i didn't know what she was on about i just wanted to get  in bed with her i put her on my lap and started kissing her i was starting to un do her zip on her dress but she jumped of me what the heck are you doing she shouted come on Emma lighten up lets have some fun i said pulling her close to me she just pushed me and went running out the club i was going to run after her but i fell over i was too drunk then everything went black. josh, josh i heared a familiar voice shouting my name leave me alone i shouted where has Emma gone what did you do he asked i quickly shot up what happened to me i asked George you got drunk and had a blackout now tell me where Emma is i..i don't remember i said rubbing my head. he sighed and ran out the club to find her, what happened i said before dropping on the floor again

Emma's pov

i can't believe josh i'm so mad at him right now but he was drunk but that's no excuse if it was in our bedroom that would of been fine not in fucking club in front of hundreds of people. where the heck am i, i looked around to my surroundings i saw a skating rank oo fun, i was going to ice skate but then i saw couples all happy and all loved up which made me cry i ran back to our house and i cried on my bed ugh i'm such a loser why am i crying over something so little i throwed my dress of and got in to the hot tub to detox. hey there stranger i heared someone behind me walking near me it was josh, he was so drunk what do you want josh i shouted lets have some fun he winked no i won't have fun your drunk go to bed i shouted, he then fell in to the hot tub josh i shouted standing up he looked me up and down i felt disgusted why was he acting like a pervert i got out the bath and wrapped a towel around me.

morning josh shouted ugh what do you want i shouted at him what's got your nickers in a twist he laughed, don't you remember what happened last night i said raising my eyebrow at him. No i really don't he looked clueless ugh come here i'll explain. i told him what happened he looked shocked, i am so so so sorry Emma i was drunk i be a complete dick when i'm drunk that's why i don't get drunk i'm so sorry he said pulling me in to a hug giving me puppy dog eyes, i forgave him what's the point being angry about it. we got to the sofa everyone was all cuddled up me and josh cuddled up and had hot chocolate mmm i said after taking one sip from my hot chocolate. what we doing today George shouted which cause me to drop hot chocolate all over myself ow ow hot its hot its burning i said jumping up and down everyone was laughing i fell over and started having a laughing fit oh god i'm so clumsy i said we all know that josh said winking at me. lets go ice skating josh said yh lets do that we all said. 

josh's pov

 i can't believe what happened last night i was such a dick, i'm never getting drunk again. we went ice skating i was pretty good at it which was surprising, Emma kept falling over so i held her and we skated together it was so romantic, i'm so glad she forgave me i don't know what i would do without her in my life she completes wow that's sound so cringy i laughed. today was our last night in Alaska I've enjoyed it so much but i can't wait to get back home to the hot weather, beaches and cold drinks. we all finished ice skating since it was our last night we went to a club everyone said it was the best club so yh why not. we all got home to get ready to go clubbing Emma wore a tight short dress which made her look hotter than ever, for the first time she wore big stiletto heels she is so not going to be able to walk in them. we got to the taxi i gave Emma a piggy back ride to the club i bet you regret wearing them heels i said to her i do my feet are already aching she whined i just laughed at her she looked so cute i carried her to our booth and got the shots rolling Emma was pissed, she could barely keep her eyes open i didn't drink that much because i wanted to look after her. she went running outside the club i followed her she tripped over ice oh Emma get up i said no i wanna sleep here she said bringing her knees to her chest she was totally wasted cmon i said while picking her up lets get you home i said while lying her down in the he cab. we finally reached home i carried emma up to the bedroom bridal style and start undoing her dress i bited my lip she start undressing my clothes and we the best night ever..

George's pov

Emma and josh went home well you know what they'll be up to. i started dancing with sophie we were proper drunk she start grinding on me and it gave me pleasure we booked a cab back home and got straight to the bedroom, i guess everyone was getting physical tonight i laughed.

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