juvenile detention camp

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based of the song 'so good'


Dear journal

i about 5 minutes away,no longer free any day of the week,ill be caching sleep.

I'll probably be there at ten,its almost the weekend only one more day and ill be free to rest.They said, they said i didint worn them, dont say i didint worn you. i live the moment. how am i supposed to go out to night. all the rest of them are out there tonight. i spose to be out there with them tonight. Shouldn't be stuck in here for doing what i liked, But if felt so good, its so good. It was only meant to be a joke, guess every thing went down the loo, it felt so good to watch. Everything good has given up on me. The music they play gives me an ake. How did I even get here, I wish I had my own time machine but I don't and never will, they all said I didn't worn them. I lived in the moment. I love waching the cloud.i loved the smell of cooked meat.his isint how i was sposed to go out, no, not at all. i missed the way his self estem falls, shoulednt be locked up in here, should be out side celabrating.

diddint mean for it to end up like this it just did and i liked it.

how was I I supposed to know it would turn out like this, why did i back stubbs up throuh black and blue,

how come?

why do had this happen to me all of the time?

how come?

i dhould be at home,it was only ment to be an hour or two

they all told me pretty lyes to my face,i act like i don't even care,but im so scared will i las in here, or be torn to shredz i just dont know

i just wante to be like the cool kids coz they seem to fit in, oh i wish.

oh i should feel nothing I'm as mad as the hatter

but i have to carry on let my shadowis fall behind me lost my fath in trust,whats broken is broken im a gonner for others mistakes

im not sorry,

hupty dompty is was too fun


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