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        "Let me go!" she cries, tears rolling down her cheeks as the choker stays between her lips. "Please," she says it in a muffled cry, her hands bound down behind her body as she screams. I smirk at her, pushing my dark locks back with my sweaty palm. I wasn't finished with her. Not until her blood was on my dagger. "I swear I'll do anything!"

        I chuckle darkly, touching her sweaty cheek while I look into her bright, shiny eyes. The life in her eyes would soon be completely gone if I have a say in it. Which I do. "I do this because I love you, Rebecca," I say, looking at her face for what would be the last time. Once I'm finished with her, the only thing left will be bits of bone and flesh.

        She cries louder, pulling on the restraints so hard that blood dribbles down her wrists. "You're a sick, sick man," she whispers, voice hoarse, face ashy pink, "why would you do this to me? I thought you loved me." Her voice is deathly quiet now, filled with pain that I enjoy increasingly much.

        "I do love you. I do this because I love you, why can't you see that?" I put the blade to her neck, the edge digging into her neck enough to draw blood. I watch as the dark red liquid drips down into her shirt, disappearing from sight but leaving a trail. "You're such a beautiful thing. It's a shame you have to die." I put the knife down before grabbing a car wire. I put it around her neck, yanking her back as she gasps.

        "Harry, please no, please stop!" she squeals and I love it. 

        "It's for the best, Rebecca." 

        Then I let the wire rip through her flesh, her screams filling the air before it grows quiet. 



Question: What's your favorite color?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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