new years

62 5 1

11:25 pm; saturday

fuck parties. to say joji hated them was an absolute utter understatement. sweaty, drunk, miserable teenagers pretending to be happy, the stench of pot and beer flowing through
the halls that he paced in. all he could do was silently curse at chad for dragging him to the damned place.

deathly intoxicated girls in skimpy golden sparkling outfits, grinding on desperate guys. people were edging to see the ball drop, new years resolutions were being made that god knows will never be accomplished.

every drunken blonde's scream seemed to ring louder and louder in his ear, rattling his aching brain. admittedly, he had taken at least two bong rips and a few shots of tequila, only to loosen up, but that was hours ago and he was coming down. reality struck that he's still awkward at this fucking party chad dragged him into. chad was higher than a kite, telling one hell of a long story on the couch, drunk girls on his lap giggling at the tale. frankly, the story telling was growing old to joji, and god he needed a cigarette.

joji pointed to the kitchen mouthing he'll be back to chad, not that chad even noticed. the boy hadn't paused for a breath telling the story, girls giggling and petting his hair.

joji paced around the empty kitchen, holding his head in his hands. this was the only room where the music was left to be a dull murmur. he looked around at the half full and empty cups of alcoholic potents being vibrated by the murmur of the bass.

he whipped out his pack of marlboros and a lighter, pressing the cigarette to his lips, flicking the lighter and drawing the flame in. he leaned against the counter near the open window, continuing to take slow, swift drags from the cigarette. sighing the smoke towards the window, the freezing december air made him shiver.

after smoking half of the cigarette, he was borderline sleeping. the party was so horrible, and worse he had peaked long ago, now he was past coming down.

shoes against tile woke him from his daze, he looked up and blinked a few times to see who joined him in the kitchen. upon looking up, his cheeks flushed and he figured looking down would be a better idea.

his eyes were graced by some angelic boy in front of him, square thick rimmed glasses most prominently placed on top of a thin nose. he had light and dark variations of brown curls that sat and fell perfectly on top of a beautiful head. he wore a tight fitting baseball tee, with black jeans and vans on, the kid was a fucking dream.

"mind if i borrow a light?" the boy had a voice, and fuck was it nice. within his deeply voiced words joji swore he heard some sort of accent. snapping back into it, joji wiped his sweating hand on his pant leg, grabbing for the lighter in his pocket. he handed it to the boy, speechless, certain that this boy held his hand a little extra long while the transfer of the lighter occurred.

"thanks." the boy mumbled, due to the cigarette in his mouth. he lit it and took a puff, ruffling his hair while breathing out the smoke.

"i'm ian, are you a friend of chads?" the curly, messy haired boy asked. he took another puff as joji did the same.

"joji and yeah, roommates." joji breathed, the boy was getting close. they proceeded to talk, talking turned into whispering.  the closer ian got to joji, who was fully pressed against the counter, the harder it was for joji to breathe, fuck.

ian was in between joji's legs at this point, both mildly intoxicated yet again.  ian gripped one of his hands against the counter near joji's side, the other arm sneaking its way towards joji's thigh.

ian smirked at joji, who was in fact gasping for air, it'd been a while. joji took a deep breath, leaning forward, ian pushed away. yet again, smirking. people were chanting from the living room.

"hey, it's almost midnight." ian slurred, jogging to the living room. joji sighed, rubbing his face, burning out the cigarette on the counter, dropping it into a half filled cup of something or other.

he made his way into the living room to see 5 minutes on the clock. rolling his eyes, five minutes that could've been put to use. his mind was constantly racing about this boy. how the hand so casually glided it's way up joji's thigh, he could practically still feel it. this kid was just drunk, of course.

the clock was now at 30 seconds. joji pondered the fake list of things he would never accomplish this coming year. 15.  cheering to another year of regret.

5, 4, 3, warm hands snake their way around his frozen waist.

2, joji looks up into the all too familiar, this time very close,  ian.

1, 0, warm lips are on his, tasting of beer and gum. gliding gently to the screaming and kissing of everyone else, this time ian's hands are grasped hard onto joji's face. pulling apart, he's left with one thing.

"spend this year with me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2016 ⏰

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