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Her steps halted as she saw Hyojong on the bench, with someone who's seated at her place, next to him. A girl. The students that had been sauntering around the school grounds in her vision disappeared at once, and Ari's focus was on Hyojong and the girl alone. Her hair floated softly as she swung her head towards Hyojong. It was Dohee from her class, the girl who always sat at the back alone. She could see him offering her chocolate milk as he also drunk the same.

Again, Ari didn't understand why she was so overwhelmed with sadness. Perhaps because it was her spot, and they'd taken over it. Either way, she couldn't walk towards them as usual. She stepped backwards and turned around, leaving to the home economics room, the only place she was comfortable in. Unknowingly, tears slowly crept down her face as she did so, and she hid her face from the abundance of students she'd passed, though they were likely not paying attention to her.

As soon as she entered the room, she shut the door swiftly, wiping her eyes softly. She had special permission to use the room as she pleased, and it was the place she'd go to when the outside was too cold, too hot, or raining. Now, she used it to avoid the two sitting at her bench.

She took out her hearing aids that only increased her sadness with the noise of the students outside, and the thought that she could hear Hyojong was outside with the girl. When it was finally silence, she could hear herself calming down a little more.

A boy rushed into the room, though Ari didn't know. He stood in front of her to make his presence known, and Ari jolted. When she realised who it was, she crouched down and exploded in tears she didn't know she was holding, still hiding her face.

Jungkook was a little alarmed, but found it was useless to ask her anything when he noticed her hearing aids on the working bench beside the sink. He lowered his upper body and gently stroked Ari's head in consolation.

. . .

"Ari, where have you been the past few weeks during lunch?" Hyojong asked as he blocked her from exiting the classroom, offering her strawberry milk at the same time. He managed to get everyone else out of the class just so he could talk to her alone, knowing she didn't like unfamiliar people.

Ari slowly accepted the carton while also noticing he had chocolate milk with him this time. "I had something to do," she answered nonchalantly.

He frowned. "I told you, I was going to introduce someone to you."

"You mean Dohee?"

"Oh, how'd you know?"

"I saw you with her yesterday when I was walking past."

Hyojong lowered his upper body to see her face. "Are you upset?"

Ari looked down and mumbled slowly, "Just a little..."


"That was... my seat." She didn't lie, it was true that was one of the reason she was upset. But after talking with Jungkook a few days ago, she understood her feelings for Hyojong were nothing of simply a friend. He helped her understand that she'd been jealous of Dohee, and she realised how scary of an emotion it was.

Hyojong patted her head and laughed, "I'm sorry."

"You have no need to apologise, I was simply being childish. I won't feel that way anymore." Rather than an assurance to Hyojong, it was more of a persuasion to herself, to convince her not to feel love again.

"Ahh, I missed your weird comments, Ari," Hyojong smiled in relief.

"You have a crush on Dohee? You want to be closer with her, want to do couple stuff with her..."

"Ahhh," Hyojong shouted to stop Ari from continuing due to his embarrassment. "Yes, that's what a crush is. And yes... I do. I... I like her. A lot." Ari felt her heart torn to pieces one by one as he kept explaining. But it was good, she thought, it was a good way to make her stop her feelings despite the pain. "She came to my house for our science project and she was just so adorable. She was so polite as well, and... I just really really like her. But I don't know how to talk to her, I don't know how to tell her how I feel. That's why I was asking you."

Ari smiled sadly, though Hyojong wouldn't have noticed, "You are very cute too, Hyojong."

With a blush, Hyojong raised his fists to his mouth and squealed excitedly at her words. "Oh my gosh, it's the first time you complimented me! And the first time you said my name properly too! I'm so glad!"

"I will not help you if you continue to tease me like that." Ari stuck her lips out and glared.

Hyojong dropped his hands and simply simpered. "Alright, sorry sorry. I'm just really glad you're opening up, and I don't know, becoming more human?"

She frowned beneath her smile. If it was going to hurt this much, she will not fall in love again.

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