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Samantha's POV

"Sooo...Aurelia where have you been?" I asked. "I-I went to m-my friends house uhhh...Jennifer. But she had to g-go to the store with her mom." she said while stuttering. "Oh. Really? So why couldn't you go with her?" I asked. She's making it very obvious that she's lying. "Well you s-see she also ha-" She started but got cut off by me instead. "Cut the crap Aurelia! We know it was you who screamed at the park! Seriously! Why do you always do this?!" I screamed. "Every time a guy likes me and asks me out you always seem to come in and take him away! Are you really that desperate that your going to try the same thing with Niall? You do know that he wouldn't ever date someone like you right? Someone who swoops in and tries to steal other girls boyfriends?" I didn't realize I just called Niall my boyfriend before it was to late. " guys are dating?" Aurelia asked. You've got to be kidding me. "Is that the only thing you got out of what I just said?!" I screamed. By now the neighbors could probably hear me. " know what? I'm going to say this one more time...and hopefully it finally gets through that thick skull of yours. If you try to pull one more thing with Niall I will not hesitate to kick you out of this house...understand?" I said, hoping I finally made myself clear. She looked at me in disbelief. Her face was a really dark shade of red and I didn't know if it was from being embarrassed or because she was's probably a mixture of both. She huffed and rolled her eyes. "Whatever." she said. Right as she was about to walk up the stairs I swear I saw that little brat smirk. I rolled my eyes and turned around only to see a wide-eyed Niall staring right back at me. Oh goodness. I just went off on Aurelia right in front of niall. All of a sudden instead of staring at me with wide eyes he was smirking. "what?" I said, wanting to know why he was smirking. "So. Boyfriend huh?" he said. My eyes widened and I felt a slight blush creep up to my cheeks. "I-uh-I-I didn't mean it like that. I-It was j-" I stuttered but was cut off by Niall. "'s OK, Love. I was just messing with you." he said. He chuckled and started walking towards me. He leaned in so his face was right next to my ear. "You know...your really cute when you blush." he said...which caused me to blush even more. He pulls back and looks at my face for a second before he bursts out laughing. That little jerk said that on purpose. But did he really think I was cute. The thought made me smile. "What are you smiling about?" Niall asks, snapping me out of my trance. "Oh...nothing." I said and started walking towards the stairs. "I'm gonna go change into something more comfortable OK?" I said to niall. "Yeah. When your done come back down here...I wanna watch a movie and I'm gunna need somebody to cuddle with." he said while smirking. I blushed but turned my head quickly so he wouldn't see. I heard him chuckle and I started walking up the stairs. I walked to my room and changed into a pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt. I put my hair into a messy bun and walked out of my room. As I was walking to the stairs I passed Aurelia's room. I heard her talking to someone so I stayed back a bit to hear what she was saying. "Yeah...OK well-...Will you shut up for a minute so I can tell you...jeez." after that the was nothing but silence but then I heard Aurelia start talking again. "OK...I'll find out when their next date is and where they will be going...yes I know Cassidy...Well what I want you to do is go up to them and act like an obsessed fan. Just bother them and try and ruin the date...yes you are getting paid but if you mess up then aren't got it? OK you to bye." with that she stopped talking. I heard someone getting up and feet shuffling around so I quickly made my way to the staircase. Who's date was this Cassidy person supposed to ruin? Why was Aurelia doing this? And why was Cassidy supposed to act like an obsessed fan? That's when it all dawned on me...she was trying to ruin mine and Niall's next date.


********************Hey guys so heres the new chapter! sooooooooooo sorry for not updating but I hope you enjoyed this one. Love you all:)XX

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