Chapter 1

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"Where are we gonna park? Because it's illegal to go in there" said Emily

"Thanks for the reminder Em, I know"
replied Dean. Still not believing he agreed to do this, "John and Jared said we should park at the baseball fields and walk from there."

"Are you still scared about doing this?"

"It's a creepy old crazy person house" replied Dean, "yes I'm a little freaked out"

"Well I'm not"

"You are seriously a weirdo"

"I know thanks!" Said Emily smiling at Dean. Dean shook his head and laughed.

They soon pulled into the parking lot by the baseball fields. Jared and John were already there. They got out of the car

"Hi Emily" said Jared and John.

"Hey guys" said Emily

"Seriously do you have to bring that camera everywhere, John?" Asked Dean.

"Yes, especially since we are about to break into an old, most likely haunted, insane asylum" said John.

Dean sighed

"Are you still freaking out about this?" Asked Jared

Dean opened his mouth to say something but Emily cut in "yes he is"

Dean shot her a look.

"Let's go" said Emily pulling him away.

They headed for the woods. Because they didn't want to be seen.

"No wandering off today Emily"

"I never do that"

Dean laughed "You're kidding"

Emily smirked

"I'm serious"

"Trust me I know you are" Emily took the lead a few feet ahead of the rest of them.

Jared leaned over and whispered "You two seriously not a thing yet?"

Dean shoved him "Shut up"

John was filming. Dean pushed the camera out of his face "Get that thing out of my face"

Jared and John laughed.

"Hey guys! I found it" yelled Emily from up ahead. The other ran to catch up to her

"Woah" they all said at once

"Are we sure about this? That place is older than I thought. 100% guarantee it's haunted" said Jared

"Yes let's go" said Emily taking off for the building

"Em! What did I just say?! Wait up!" Yelled Dean running after her. John followed. Jared stood there a minute watching. But then ran after them. They got up to the front door.

"You think it's unlocked?" Asked John.

"Doubtful" said Dean.

"Well doesn't matter because that window is wide open" said Emily

"That's creepy why would a window be left open?" asked Dean

"Just for us" said Jared with a smirk. Dean shot him a look.

"If it's open, is technically breaking and entering?" asked John

"No it's just entering" said Emily already trying to figure out how to get in through the window.

The boys walked over to the window.

"Give me a boost, Dean" said Emily

"No you aren't going in there first" said Dean

"Well do one of you wanna go first?" Asked Emily

None of them responded. "That's what I thought" said Emily, "now give me a boost"

Dean sighed but then lifted Emily up so she could crawl through the window. Once in Emily jumped to the floor.

"Cool!" Was all the others I heard.

"Are you okay?" asked Dean

"Ya fine. Just get in here"

"Okay. Just stay right there, don't wander anywhere until we are there" said Dean

Emily rolled her eyes and started to walk around the room. It looked to be an office of some sort. The office of someone very important. Meanwhile Dean helped John and Jared up. Then jumped up himself and was helped in by Jared and John. Once in they turned around.

"Wow" said Jared

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"Wow" said Jared

"You getting all this, John?" asked Jared

"Yes I've been filming since the parking lot"


"Where's Emily?" Asked Dean

"Em?" He said. She didn't answer "Emily?" They started to look around.

"Boo!" Yelled Emily coming out from under the desk. Dean screamed and jumped.

Emily, Jared and John were laughing so hard

"That wasn't funny"

"You're right it was hilarious" said Emily.

"Don't do that again" said Dean

"John you get that on film?" Asked Emily

"Hell ya I did" said John

"Seriously guys cut it out" said Dean

"This looks like the office of some one very important" said Jared

"It was" said Emily turning around a name tag on the desk "Dr. Joseph Bartlett"

"And who's he?" asked Jared

"Only one the worst man to ever live in Indiana"

"Tell me you didn't not research this place?" Said Dean

Emily smirked "Wanna hear what he did?"

"Yes" said John and Jared at the same time.

"You are seriously messed up" said Dean.

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