Echo Girl (Choi Kyungju) The New Student

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"Okay class I wanna introduce a new student that will be here for the rest of the week. Say hello to Choi Kyungju." The kindergarten teacher, (M/C), introduced the little girl who was quiet famous because of her parents.

"Hello, I'm usally called Echo Girl but Kyungju is fine, I hope to be friends with you all!" She exclaimed excitedly. After getting the other kids names, Choi was allowed to choose somewhere to sit.

It was surprisingly next to Zen.

Later the bell for indoor-recess rang, and the kids went to their favorite play areas.

Luciel would follow Jumin around, trying to steal Elizabeth 3rd.

Yoosung either stays with (M/C) or Luciel.

Zen would ask Jaehee if she could help him in his little play he made up.

But today was different, since Kyungju wouldn't leave Zen's side even if (M/C) asked her to. When Zen was about to ask Jaehee, Kyungju would get in front of her and answer for her.


During snack time Kyungju walked up to Jumin with a bag of cookies in her hands. She tried in every way to look 'cute' for him. Only to get a reply of, "Aren't cookies bad for you, my dad says you'll get fat if you eat a lot of them." Leading to Kyungju crying and telling (M/C) of what he did. He didn't get in trouble which made her get all mad.


The next day, the class was drawing and coloring their favorite things. Kyungju was the first one to finish saying she was 'very good at drawing'. Showing to teacher (M/C) it was a poorly drawn photo of Zen, but she called it beautiful anyway. So Kyungju started to look at the others drawing that were being finished.

Luciel's was Honey Budda Chips and Elly (Elizabeth 3rd).

Jaehee drew a cup of coffee.

Jumin drew Elizabeth 3rd, with the help of (M/C) to make it perfect.

Zen had drawn a stage.

And Yoosung drew a dog, which she stopped to stare at the picture.

"What's that?" She asked in a sharp tone for Yoosung didn't notice. "It's my cousins doggy, her name is Sally!" His eyes were all bright and happy when talking about his favorite pet.

Well he was happy until, " It looks all ugly and weird! You should throw it away." She snapped, and ripped his drawing apart. So poor baby Yoosung started to cry. Really, really loud, loud enough to get (M/C)'s attention.

Bursting into the room and seeing a crying Yoosung on the floor, (M/C) also saw ripped pieces of paper next to Kyungju, leading to what happened.


Another day with Kyungju and this time she stole Luciel's Honey Budda Chips. She kept running around and little Luciel tried to get back his chips to the point he started to tear up.

Luckily this didn't go unnoticed by (M/C) and easily got back his chips. After all of Luciels hugs and cuteness, (M/C) went to Kyungju, whose face was a little red from anger.

"Now Kyungju, what do you say to Luciel?" (M/C) asked in a soft voice.

" That his chips are super duper gross!!" Cue tick mark on (M/C)- who secretly wants to kill this girl-

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