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I was in South Korea for a couple of months as a test to see if I wanted to stay, instead of finding a hotel to stay in I decided on renting a room out of someone's house. My Korean was limited because of the short time that I planned this in. I was starting to worry about the language barrier with the people I'm living with since I was warned that I would be staying with a few boys who were teenage.
"Our flight has landed, thank you for flying with Korean airlines"
I looked out the window to see the airport full of people in suits. I gathered my pizza backpack and my books and left the plane. As I emerged from the airport with my heavy bags I saw a card with my "Galla Modesty" written on it I always found it so funny that they put last names first.
"Modesty?" The handsome man who was holding it said in a Korean accent.
"Yes but you can call me tye" I smiled
"Hi I am Lee Jihoon, but you can call me woozi"
"Ok" I say shaking his hand
I follow his pink hair through the crowd of people to a bus that looks like it is filled with atleast 10 teenage boys.
"We should take a different bus that one is almost full" I say
"We could but then you wouldn't get to meet your room mates" he says
I smile as woozi ushers me into the bus and sits me down next to a very attractive boy who looks around 17. I would be one year his senior if my guess is right.
"Hi I'm Vernon" he says in flawless english.
I introduce myself to everyone as ty. The next to greet me is Joshua who also speaks in perfect English, I ask him about his English and he tells me that he is from Los Angeles. I smile and tell him that I vacationed there once. Each member greets me. But the ones who stuck out the most where jeonghan, Vernon, and Woozi. They all had such charm to them but all in a different way. Jeonghan was just handsom and had better hair then me, Vernon was so calm, cool, and irresistible, and woozi was so innocent and boyish. The boys where all uninterested in me though. I don't blame them. I wasn't the Korean image of beauty. All of the adds I see in Korea are of very thin girls with small hips and pale complexions. I however, was very curvy and thick, my skin was as dark as it could get living in Canada so not dark but not pale perfection either. Half way through the ride home i turned on my phone to see if it switched to Korean time. I saw Vernon glance at my phone and see my background of Jin from BTS. He smiled and started talking to Dino in Korean. I recognized some words like, adore and funny. I played it off as they think it's cute that I like kpop idols. I brushed it off and turned on my Spotify on a random kpop playlist.
A band that I don't know comes on, the title says Shining Diamond. As I check the song Vernon starts to cackle.
"What" I question
"Yeah wha-" woozi stops when he looks at my phone and starts laughing too. As my phone gets passed around some laugh and some turn red. As my phone returns to me joshua says quietly
"We um sing that song"
I start laughing out of disbelief.
"You're telling me that you guys are seventeen, I see posts about them everywhere I think I would know them if I saw them" I brush the comment off as a joke
I pull a picture of seventeen onto my phone, I study the picture, I can't find woozi in it.
"Where are you in this picture then?" I ask Woozi handing him my phone.
"Him" he points out a small blonde boy who kind of resembles him.
"Hah well I guess this is embarrassing"
"Yeah" they all collectively say
I turn read as Vernon starts asking me questions about kpop that I neglect to answer

As we arrive home woozi acts as my protector and guides me to an empty room.
"So why are you guys renting out this room" I ask woozi stares at me puzzled by my English
"I don't know how to say this in Korean" I say in Korean. Joshua enters with Vernon.
"Do you know any Korean" Vernon asks
"Obviously" I state
"Ok start"
"콩, 자기야" I stop as my mind goes blank
"So you know how to say bean and jagiya" joshua asks
"Uh yeah"
"I guess it's time for some Korean lessons!" Woozi says

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